The same hammer that shatters glass forges steel: This is a beautiful quote that marks a thought for the day. Our challenges and circumstances pose challenges each day. How we react to these challenges shapes our lives and opportunities. While we discuss the inspiration behind this article, we talk about the meaning of – the same hammer that shatters glass forges steel. It is a question of what we are made up of. Are we weak as glass or tough as steel?
Are we made up of hammer or steel?
In its simplest form, the hammer represents difficulties and challenges in life. The glass or steel is what we choose to behave as under these circumstances. The meaning of – the same hammer that shatters glass forges steel indicates a choice of who you wish to become. We will have obstacles around our way – how we let them influence us defines the future and our destiny.

We refer to the hammer as, challenges, stress, difficulties in life. With this hammer, we have a challenge on how we let it influence us. i.e do these challenges help us go beyond our limitations and achieve a lot more? Glass shatters whereas steel gets moulded. It adapts to the challenges life throws at us and move forward. The message is clear – choose your outcome, work towards it.
The hammer that shatters the glass forges steel. There’s a lot of truth in this – are we made up of glass or steel? The hammer is the same!
Meaning of Hammer, Steel and Glass
Hammer: Represents the reality of life. Whether you choose to accept it or not, life happens. It doesn’t wait for the circumstances to work in your favour. Unfortunately, life can be rough that way. But, it is true – represents the reality of what has happened.
Glass: Glass is beautiful. In this context, glass is represented as fragile. If you let yourself be fragile, you will be broken. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t feel bad. Emotions are a powerful way of telling you that something is wrong. Find a way to protect yourself so that you don’t break.
Steel: This is the ultimate point that the quote is trying to drive you towards. It asks you to become as strong as the steel. Use the circumstances to become who you want to be. In other words, challenges will always be there to question you. You must find a way to use them and make the most of these opportunities.
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The problem now is there are more hammers than steel to forge or glass to break.
Yes I have to agree – too many stressors around us, might be to do with the uncontrolled spread of digital media, opinion and expectations. The competition seems to get stiffer every minute.
Very inspiring read. The secret of managing stress lies in our facing the odds of life not blinking away from them.
Thank you Easwar. Very true, facing our fears, the only known way to get over them, the only one way to get over anything I think is hitting over the obstacle over and over again!! :)
Truly inspiring bro :-) Problems(Hammers) are the same, we can defend it once we turn to steel else we will be shattered into glass pieces.
Thanks mate :) .. Very true, I believe it always is a matter of choice. No matter what reasons we seem to have, it all finally boils down to this! :)