The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story

The beauty of this quote is in the narratives that we tell ourselves. I’m a strong believer that our history changes with time. Our stories of the past evolve with time and we tend to hold on to parts of the memory. So, any reasons, rationale or narratives that we hold for excuses might not be right. If there’s a possibility that it is wrong, then we ought to explore it and find out the best route to achieve our goals. Reasons are always available, but they won’t be enough to help us achieve our goals.

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The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story

I’m fascinated by our ability to dream, define goals and commit ourselves to achieve them. This speaks to our passion, desire and how strongly we feel about a particular outcome. But we always have challenges, shortcomings to achieve these goals. In other words, we will find resistance no matter what we pick. These resistances or reasons show caution, give us something to think about.

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The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story that you keep telling yourself about why you can’t achieve it – Jordan Belfort

But the only way we can treat them is as points of data, right? It can’t be a denial but only a rationale of how things might go wrong. It is up to us to figure out a way around these challenges and solve our problems. If we fall into the trap of these narratives, then we might as well give up even before we start. And that’s probably the main point of this quote – the only thing standing between you and your goal is the reasons why you can’t achieve them.

We will have reasons, but these reasons give us some things to work on. But these reasons alone can’t decide our life, dreams and goals.


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8 thoughts on “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story”

  1. Yes, change the story you tell about yourself and thus change your history – there’s a whole therapeutic process based on that principle: the Narrative Therapy.

    • Thank you Matheikal. Oh I was not aware of that. That’s quite interesting. I like the name – Narrative therapy. And also the logic is quite strong – as in most times we wait for the externalities to change and change our lives but to look within and introspect and realize that there is something more to it is always a fascinating feeling! :)


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