The most difficult thing is the decision to act – Amelia Earhart

The most difficult thing is the decision to act: In this article, we talk about the significance of making decisions in comparison with the work that follows. Although the rest is called mere tenacity, we all know that it is hard work. This inspirational quote from Amelia Earhart puts the importance back on clarity of taking decisions, working consistently for what you truly believe in. This quote analysis points to listening to your convictions and standing your ground to make the magic happen.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act

I love this tenacity quote by Amelia Earhart. It is tough to make decisions – particularly when we have something to lose. There are multiple models of decision making – you just have to choose what works best for you. Some simple examples are – rational decision-making model, intuitive model, SWOT analysis etc. These will help you arrange risks based on the decision you want to take.

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The most difficult thing is the decision to act – Amelia Earhart

Arguably, the most difficult thing is the decision to act – the rest is strategy. You will be able to find a way to do things once you know why something is so important to you. Please make sure that your emotions and motivation are a part of this decision-making matrix. These models ask us to be rational and objective. But if the decisions impact your life, the only way decisions can be effective is by enabling your emotional side.

Questions to consider in taking decisions

You’ll notice that the rest is merely tenacity when you observe the questions for decision making:

  • Why is the most difficult thing is the decision to act? – Due to things that you have to give up. No decision is taken in vacuum, you’ll always have something to lose by taking a decision.
  • What holds us back from taking decisions? – This is an important question to ask. It might be fear or any other reason that holds you back. Make sure that you answer these questions. Your decision has to be firm in order to move ahead. Or else, it becomes very easy to take retrograde steps in decisions.
  • How to fight back against these distractions? – Once you take a decision, there is no going back. Be sure of what you’ve decided and move on. I’ll remind you of this quote – Wisdom comes from experience but they’re all centrally based on the decisions you take.

The rest is merely tenacity

I don’t mean to undermine the ability to work on your decisions. The quote says – the rest is merely tenacity. It doesn’t however mean that working on your decisions is easy. Once you decide, it takes consistent action to make sure that you’re working on it.

The reason we can call the rest mere tenacity is that it is possible to quantify what you can do after making a decision.

  • Consistent Action – This is about building a plan for your decision and acting on it. It might not be a perfect plan, but keep working on it. You will finally find answers to your questions and maybe even come up with creative ways to deal with your problems.
  • Listening to Feedback – Constant improvement comes from listening to feedback consistently. Theoretically, you maybe doing everything right. But some of these might just be bad timing. Listen to what the outcome is telling you – seaparate the noise from feedback
  • Fighting back against distractions – This is the last point on the rest is merely tenacity quote. You’ll see distractions in the form of your peers, results and even resistance. At these times, go back to the reasons why you made this decision. As the quote says – the most difficult thing is the decision to act. Your reasons for this decision will tell you and give the necessary motivation to keep fighting. (Related: Perseverance is not a long race)

Everything above talks about the tenacity of making this decision true. It is hard work, but your decisions make your life. So they deserve all the hard work and attention you can muster.

Amelia Earhart tenacity quote Summary

  • Identify what you really want
  • Stand your ground with tenacity
  • Create and solidify your reasons and motivation

The three points say it all for me. This Amelia Earhart tenacity quote talks about your mental clarity, necessity and conviction in a decision. If you’re firm about these, you’ll be able to create a path for yourself. Remember that none of this is meant to be easy. You will find more challenges than solutions through the process.

But, it is all going to be worth it if you’re firm on your decisions.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is mere tenacity

– Amelia Earhart tenacity quote (Source)

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