From the time I saw this picture, I have been an absolute fan of the message it conveys in such a simplistic, yet effective manner. There are always a whole set of dreams, goals, and aspirations to reach out to and there are always the pitfalls, something to lure us and deviate us from what we want. The referred to as walls by Randy Pausch, or the same referred to as fear by Shiv Khera or in layman terms referred to as chickening out!
I believe it is always a choice to make between the things we want. It pulls me towards a famous quote “there is nothing called a free lunch”. Of course there isn’t and even if there is I am sure that it won’t be that tasty! It is the same way we used to quote
“Grass is always green on the other side and so is the electricity bill!”…
I am sure nothing comes without a price tag. The picture speaks so well and I feel there is so much to relate to. It reminds me of the time I was about to quit my job without much of an idea as to what to do but I was certain that it wasn’t something which I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
The first in line was the peers who made sure to tell very eloquently that it was the dumbest decision ever to quit a good company which offers a great job. Next in line were our friendly relatives who spared no words and seemed to somehow enjoy the advice saying that it was a mistake that I would regret for a long long time. And not to forget the pessimists who said,
“This is almost the time of recession and you will never get a job again, ever!”
If the monsters outside weren’t sufficient there were quite a few inside as well. The day I was about to leave, there was a little guilt within which said
“These are nice people, nice pay check, AC work environment, ……… but mostly the paycheck ;) ”
After a while it was the fear which made sure it kicked in strong and made its prevalence prominent.
But I guess one strong conviction can take care of the many evils around. Of course I would be selfish if I don’t mention the real nice people around who stood as the supporting pillars for a decision. But one thing I did realize was that it was too early to say if something was right or wrong then and it is too early even now, all I know and all I need to know is that I am more on track with the dreams I started off with, it is a struggle, it is hard but again nothing ever was easy and if it were, it would have been the same cubicle and the same set of complaints to crib about. All I am trying to say is that there are always a huge set of roadblocks with what we want to do, the only thing that makes the difference is how badly we want to do it!
There always is a choice and there always is one decision maker and the rest are just the reasons!
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Thank you :)
Good call – I have been in a similar situation before. It takes a lot of strength to look past what others think of you and take a bold stride towards your personal happiness. I applaud you and wish you all the best!
Thank you Gemma. I think the crossroads are amazing place to be in, definitely confusing and irritating but I guess that is the best part of confusion. It makes us think and finally the decisions no matter how hard, everytime we decide to make it right, it somehow ends up being right :) .
Thanks for the kind words Gemma :)
To follow a dream or vision is a lifetime task that must not be abandoned by the obstacles that are always in our way. Great thoughts!
Very true Irvin, it is a constant chase I believe, gotta keep going no matter how dogged it feels.
Thank you for your thoughts Irvin, looking forward to share more :)
living ones life lively is d greatest wish of human kind… as u rightly inferred that future is unpredictable but atleast ur decision of qiuting d AC environment is letting u to be “YOU”…..doesnt matter even if we didnt get what v want but aspirations certainly does 1 thing for sure – “rediscovering oneself”
Great to hear from you dude :) .. How are things, always happy to see your comments macha :)
Like you said, it is letting oneself go and the act of discovery is quite an amazing endeavour indeed!
Inspiring stuff!
Thank you Prabhakar :)
One need to steadfastly pursue one’s dreams against all odds. Since dreams always hinge on hope, we need be to be optimistic and go on our track no matter how many skies are falling around us.
Very True Easwar. I think it is hard in the likes of so many things to pull us down. But I guess more important than that is the fire which makes us keep pursuing what we actually want..
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, very glad to have an exchange of ideas on this platform :)