The 50Rs Haircut!

A few months ago, we were lucky enough to have a conversation with the India head of Hitachi. The conversation touched various topic and something that really captivated me the most was The 50Rs haircut!

He was telling us how much he was a fan of the 50Rs haircut in comparison to the Rs.800 one which he used to have at the hotel. The difference?! Well, none – according to him !! Of course I do agree that the service, waiting time, ambience, the AC, amongst many other things would be great but something very sensible in that statement was when he said – No difference! And this was a CXO of a company talking.

I was thinking how much I spend on a haircut and turns out it is a 100! And the only difference, now that I think of it is none except that I wait a little more for the 100 Rs haircut than the 50Rs one and the quality which I thought was great wasn’t much different at all. Well I thought I should take a cue from it and the very next month, I went ahead to get the 50 Rs haircut and trust me it didn’t feel great at all.

Maybe I was too used to the 100rs one or maybe it was a thought on the back of my head yelling it’s not gonna look great. So I went back to the 100Rs haircut but today again felt like experimenting a little and happily went to the 50Rs one with the same guy and today I find no difference! Probably it took me 4 months to grow into this!

And finally what is the point I am trying to drive here? I don’t know! Probably sometimes we are so used to doing things and the only reason why we do it is cos we are used to it, not because it is better or of a better quality, it is just that it has become a part of us.

We are so afraid of change, afraid to step out of our comfort zone and find it annoyingly hard to make amends to the change. But once we make, we realize it aint such a big deal at all! So a 50Rs haircut or a 100Rs haircut, there was a bigger lesson than mere simplicity here! And thanks to that I now pride a 50Rs haircut! :)

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9 thoughts on “The 50Rs Haircut!”

  1. Don’t be a frog in a well and think being the king of has no point when you can’t analyse your weaknesses and strive hard to get rid of it..stay away from the comfort zone.step up and accept the real challenge..

  2. Its just the mindset people have now, Higher the price, better the product/service.
    but either for Rs.50 Haircut or Rs.800 one, the minimum requirement is to have Hairs..:D :D

    • Ha ha… Touche! Exactly I completely agree to that point. Infact I was recently buying poker chips and realized that most costs are at Rs.2,500 +. There was one which said 675 and I thought for almost more than an hour to decide which one to buy. I mean I could not believe that the poker chips at 675 would be the ones to consider at all! :O. Then I realized it is just chips and got it anyway :D

  3. 50 Rs haircut can turnout to be risky at time… but hey.. you never know! It might happen on an 800 Rs haircut as well ;)

  4. Hey Vinay,
    GOod articles. It always depends on who cuts your hair! May it be a 500 Rs or 50 Rs, if they person is talented enough…

    • Thank you Sims :). Thats definitely true, but it does amaze a westerner in India, such great talent and the distinction and the differences – NOT BY MUCH :). Got to give it to the spirit here :)


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