Teachers Day: Your Message To Your Favourite Teacher?!

We all know that today is the teachers day, the birthday of a very famous teacher – Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. And most of us know why this day is celebrated in the honour of this man and his accolades speak for themselves. I don’t want to bore you with more of that today.

For today is going to be all about how you feel about this day. Of course we cannot push this day away without remembering another great teacher who not so long ago parted from us. Of course I am talking about our APJ Abdul Kalam. His life lessons and words have been an inspiration to us all.

And without much ado, we shall jump directly to the heart of the matter today. And the question today is –

What is your message to your favourite teacher?

And we are looking for answers from all ends – right from you screwed up my life to the one which says you have been the blessed soul who has helped me shape my life to its best :). I am guessing we don’t have too many of that for the former sector.

If I were to remember a teacher who shaped my life for what it is today, it would be extremely difficult. Most people say that their parents have been the best teachers they could hope for. Some of them say mother. Some of them remember their primary school ones. But I think for me, I have had some wonderful people all along. It is only fair to begin our teachers day thanks to the people who influenced us the most

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Teachers Day – Key Teachers and Learnings

A small note of thanks and respect to all the wonderful people who’ve influenced me and helped me grow. This article is not only an effort to thank you people but also to acknowledge and realise where I stand today because of all these experiences. Privilege plays an important role defining where we reach and with the below, I recognise my privileges as these opportunities.

Parents, Guardians and people who take care of us

Of course a great deal goes to my parents for giving me the life I have today, for the opportunities, the values I was exposed to, the kind of books they got me to read, the kind of people they asked me to stay away from and the kind of people they forced us to be with.

I value them for the morals and principles they imbibed in us and right from the first Vivekananda book they gave me to all those other books which have played a large role in shaping our lives. A big thanks for them for playing the role of teachers all through.

School and the love for books

Our schooling would be an amazing journey and I really thank all those teachers we had. I love the first teacher who asked me to start reading a children’s book – Champak so that it would help me improve my English. I loved my social studies teacher for she was an epitome of simplicity and hard work.

I loved my kannada teacher for he was a master of humour and he is one man so full of life. I loved my math teacher cos he taught me to love Math and the first time I realised that I really love geometry – all thanks to him.

I liked my biology teacher cos it was through him that I realised that I could never be a doctor or do anything close to anything in biology. Gee I would have been a bad fit there! Most of all, I love the environment the school created and the way it shaped me up as a nerd, a big thanks to that!

Pre University Challenges and Learnings

My PUC kinda raced through. But I do remember our Chemistry teacher with whom we bluffed an entire examination. I loved our physics teacher who to this day is one of the most stunning lecturers I have seen. My math teacher was more of a myth but  I would like to thank him too a bit :).

The Engineering Days

I loved my engineering and the teachers here were more so my friends. I loved them for creating a fabulous life and some amazing memories. 4 years of engineering flew  by and it would not have been possible without these amazing people in my life and our principal as well.

Love for Literature

I think after my graduation, someone I really admired was my literature teacher who rekindled the love for life. I believe literature has something astounding for all of us. It awakens the passion and desire for life within us and the appreciation for our surroundings which quite simply doesn’t happen on its own.

I loved him for that and my god all my life I have had the company and lessons from some amazing books and those are the best ever teachers I could hope for.

I guess all I am trying to say is a BIG THANK YOU for all these wonderful people who have made me the person I am today. I may not be the best I could be, but they have still made me into a very proud man and a very humble one too. Kudos to our teachers and sincerely a BIG THANKS for making our lives so well rounded.

Well, that was my message to my teachers. What is yours? 

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7 thoughts on “Teachers Day: Your Message To Your Favourite Teacher?!”

  1. Ha ha ha!! I liked the way you started!! But yes…we must thank those who at some point of our life put us into the right track. I have few people more ion life!! But for me LIFE is the best teacher!! Superb writing!!

    • Thank you Tina, it is such a delight to read a comment like this, it makes us feel that what we are writing is able to connect at some level and that is really a lot for us :). I agree, nothing better than life and its experiences. It sure is an amazing opportunity to learn, grow and cherish :)

  2. A grand tribute to the people who, apart from teaching the rudiments of learning , give us the ” key” to our lives that make us valuable human beings.

  3. I not only respect my teachers but love them. Of course, not all of them were equally co-operative, friendly and knowledgeable, but still they had a great role in shaping my life. I owe a debt of gratitude to all of them.

    Great post on the occasion of Teachers Day. :-)

  4. Well, yeah teachers do play a very big role shaping kids… though I had many wonderful teachers I don’t remember many of them now it’s been quite a while … anyway happy teachers day to all(: …


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