Fear is not real, it is a product of your thoughts!

Fear is not real, it is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me, danger is very real but fear is a choice - Will Smith

Fear is not real: A beautiful quote by Will Smith from Cypher Raige. It brings up a robust debate that calls fear imaginary. Sometimes people refer to this distress as False Evidence Appearing Real. However, we can’t ignore that this distress is trying to tell us something. We can ignore fear only at our own risk and naivety. In this article, we will talk about the meaning of the quote fear is not real, danger is. We also talk about how to deal with this imaginary distress to be able to make it work for us.

what holds you back

Have you been in a place where someone asked you to do something and you denied saying that it is not what you think you are? Have you felt that it was below your demeanour to go out to do it and someone else should take care of it? And WHY is that? Is it … Read more