Design isn’t finished until somebody is using it!

design, user experience, user feedback, testing and iteration, continuous improvement, product development, user-focused design, product design, usability, Design isn’t finished until somebody is using it.

Design is a crucial element of any product or service. It is the process of creating something that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing, with the goal of improving the user’s experience. However, design isn’t just about creating something that looks good on paper. It’s about creating something that people will actually use and find value in. In this article, we will explore why design isn’t finished until somebody is using it.

5 Must consider areas for user experience in startup

user experience, customer development, user design, design and customer experience, user feedback, customer touch points , user experience is everything

User Experience: Whether it is a B2B or B2C product, the software cannot escape good UX. People ignore products that ignore users. As an entrepreneur, it is hard to have funds to afford good design. This is where you’d need to decide whether to go for a Minimum Viable product or Minimum Lovable product approach. Generally, the lovable product approach suits the crowded market space. Assuming an entrepreneurial route, I’m inclined to think of the MVP approach.

People ignore design that ignores people-User Experience

people ignore design, people ignore design that ignores people, people centric design, user centric design, user experience, UX, UI

In this article, we will focus on the meaning of this quote in the perspective of a startup environment. We’re in the age of media transparency, ease of information dissemination. Companies don’t operate in a bubble anymore. They’re in the public purview now. How they behave with customers either ends up in a twitter or Facebook war. In fact, I’m sad that you usually get a quicker response on twitter than official email. This is how scared companies are of public response.

Design is everywhere: What Qualifies as UX in Tech Startup?

Design is everywhere. From the dress you%E2%80%99re wearing to the smartphone you%E2%80%99re holding it%E2%80%99s design.%E2%80%9D Startup 101

Design is everywhere: This article is dedicated to the brilliant area of user experiences and software design. We normally talk about design in the fashion industry, but I’d like to focus this post on software design as a startup and new business venture in the early stages. As with most articles, you’ll notice that we … Read more