15 Inspiring Quotes from Zig Zaglar

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great - Zig Ziglar Quotes

Zig Ziglar, gets his claim to fame from being a motivational speaker. Most of his fame comes from areas of personal development, self-help and positive movement. I like the way some of these quotes have shaped and made us pause and think. Here is a collection of 15 such quotes for inspiration from Zig Zaglar.

You have to grow from the inside out, None can teach you – Vivekananda

You have to grow from the inside out, None can teach you, none can make you spiritual, There is no other teacher but your own soul, Swami Vivekananda Quotes

There is a beautiful message in this quote by Swami Vivekananda – it is about personal development and self-improvement. This is based on the idea that all knowledge is internal. The external knowledge provides us with prompts to bring out this knowledge. Extending the same line of thought, we have to grow from inside out.

None can destroy iron but its own rust – Ratan Tata

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None can destroy iron but its own rust: A beautiful Ratan Tata quote comparing your personality to iron and how it can be influenced. We’re all subject to multiple experiences in the world. Not all experiences can shape or change us. We often stand as the gatekeeper to decide which thoughts are let in.

Judge A Man By His Questions – Voltaire

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All along with our life, we have been culturally taught that the smart ones know the answers and they are the ones to be looked up to. And out comes Voltaire talking about a quote that says questions are more important than the answers. In other words, a smart one doesn’t need to feel that important at all.

Never give up on something you really want!

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Never Give Up: It is a challenging world out there. The best of your goals often meet challenges making you wonder whether you should continue or quit. This quote analysis is a dedication to such a thought process. If you are wondering whether to continue or quit, think again. It is not a bad decision, but you ought to make sure that you’ve rightly validated. In this article, we talk about the power of perseverance, your motivation and reasons for chasing your goal Vs the cost of giving up.

Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy

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In this article, we discuss the meaning of these inspirational words by Suzy Kassem. While discussing the meaning, we also explore the core values of bringing out your originality and fighting for them. The context in this article is about happiness in being yourself while the entire world around you is trying to make you into something or someone else.

Learning gives creativity creativity leads to thinking

learning gives creativity creativity leads to thinking, learning gives creativity, learning gives creativity abdul kalam, learning gives creativity creativity leads to thinking meaning, learning gives creativity creativity leads to thinking thinking provides knowledge knowledge makes you great, abdul kalam educational quotes

Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking – A beautiful quote by Abdul Kalam on creativity and thinking. This quote is best suited for students with a curiosity and hunger for knowledge. Although most of our education system is based on marks and scoring high – there is a huge part of innovation and original thinking that people miss. This quote by Abdul Kalam is a reminder for us to constantly remember that learning and creativity don’t happen in a vacuum. It needs encouragement and learning.

Life has no remote, get up and change it yourself!

Change is often a necessity, it doesn’t really wait for anyone. And most times, our life is not exactly on the path we like either. It takes twists and turns that need to be addressed. This article is a dedication to those twists and turns. Not just a dedication but a reminder that no one else can fight our battles. It is up to us to make the change we really need.

Face The Brutes, Face it boldly- Swami Vivekananda

Face The Brutes:  I love Vivekananda’s quotes – they fill you with such power and motivation. His words are like fire and this article is a dedication to facing our fears, insecurities and literally everything that holds us back. You may argue that some of these are very difficult to face. I don’t deny that, but these rationalisations don’t help you. The only thing that can make a difference is winning over these fears and conquering what’s rightfully yours.