Freedom isn’t worth having unless its The Freedom To Make Mistakes

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Freedom to make mistakes: I love this quote by Mahatma Gandhi – Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. In this article, we talk about freedom in your own personal/individual life. Freedom is reflective of choices and the ability to define the path of our lives. In this article, we discuss what these choices mean, mistakes and how well we take ownership of these choices. Ultimately, the freedom to make mistakes is ours to own completely. If these mistakes help us grow and achieve our dreams, then I’d argue that these are the most important things in your life.

Wisdom Comes From experience – Terry Pratchett

wisdom comes from experience, wisdom and experience quote, wisdom quote and meaning, wisdom and experience quote and meaning

Wisdom Comes from Experience: This quote represents a certain amount of irony but I cannot find a truer one for the quote of the day section today. I’ve often debated this thought in my head about experience vs wisdom. I hate making mistakes – particularly the ones that have a negative impact on me. Even with that, I can look back at my experiences and can see quite a few of them which are great learning experiences!

Don’t Speak Unless You Can Improve Silence

dont speak unless you can improve silence, dont speak quote and meaning, dont speak unless you improve silence, improve silence quote and meaning

Don’t Speak Unless You Can Improve Silence: In a world where talking is rated as one of the top skills, I want to talk about silence today. Most times, silence is misunderstood as weakness or someone not having an opinion. However, it has a beautiful role to play, if particularly positioned to add value to a conversation. That’s what today’s quote is all about – the value of silence and making a difference in a conversation.

Keep Your Fears To Yourself – Robert Louis Stevenson

fears, keep fears to yourself, handling fears, fears in life,

Contrary to common beliefs – fears have a purpose. A problem shared might be a problem halved, but only if both people are working on the problem. A fear however doesn’t reduce by sharing. It can increase. Be careful while sharing your fears. As Robert Lous Stevenson says – keep your fears to yourself. Instead, share courage, optimism and help. These have a better way of giving you the desired results.

Fear is not real, it is a product of your thoughts!

Fear is not real, it is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me, danger is very real but fear is a choice - Will Smith

Fear is not real: A beautiful quote by Will Smith from Cypher Raige. It brings up a robust debate that calls fear imaginary. Sometimes people refer to this distress as False Evidence Appearing Real. However, we can’t ignore that this distress is trying to tell us something. We can ignore fear only at our own risk and naivety. In this article, we will talk about the meaning of the quote fear is not real, danger is. We also talk about how to deal with this imaginary distress to be able to make it work for us.

It matters not what someone is born but what they grow to be

It matters not what as to someone is born but what they grow to be

It Matters Not What Someone Is Born: In a world where opportunities and challenges are not equally distributed, this quote makes you question your limitations. Although it is unfair the way these opportunities are distributed, we all have a few of those amidst limitations. We can cling to these limitations as things that hold us back. 

5 inspiring quotes from Gandhi

To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest - Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi, The father of our nation, the man behind the idea of non-violence, a person known for his indomitable will, determination, self-belief, values, morals, thoughts, actions and so much more has always been close to our hearts. I have been fond of his words, maybe because he had the strength to live most of them through his actions and that made a huge difference, both in his life and ours as well. Here is a collection of 5 best quotes from Gandhi and our thoughts on it. 

15 inspirational Aristotle Quotes for life wisdom

There is only one way to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing and be nothing - Aristotle

This article is a collection of Aristotle quotes that talk about wisdom for our life. Normally you will find multiple pages of these quotes. In this article, we have limited this curation to only 15 of these quotes to give us some perspective and life wisdom

First step to getting things you want out of life

It all starts with a decision, focus and mindset to identify what we want and put our energies into these areas. We might call these decisions – focus or perseverance. But we’re constantly exposed to distraction and easy wins that derail us from our goals. The idea of having a focus area makes a significant difference in our approach to getting what we want out of life. Ultimately, it is a question of whether we get what we want deeply or are we settling for easier targets that seem more achievable.

How To Overcome Fear Ppt:3 Key themes on overcoming fear

how to overcome fear, overcoming fears, facing fears, steps to overcome fear

How to overcome fear ppt: This is a separate link for the slideshow on how to overcome fear. We have a different article that takes you through an explanation of How To Overcome Fear: 11 Practical Steps To Guide You Through The Journey Of Overcoming Fears. This article is merely a summary of the key points that we discuss in the journey of overcoming fears in life.