5 Types of Startup Funding for new entrepreneurs

Types of startup funding, how to fund a startup, funding options, entrepreneur funding, funds for founders

It is hard to run a startup without money. In this article, we talk about the types of funding opportunities available for startups. As we know, the number 1 reason why startups fails is lack of money. In this discussion, we highlight the various options you have as an entrepreneur to fund your startup. Apart from this, we also talk about the various stages of funding in the startup phase depending on the stage of your growth.

5 Key Areas of difference between entrepreneur and businessman

difference between entrepreneur and businessman, entrepreneur vs businessman,

Although these terms are used interchangeably, they have subtle differences. Entrepreneurship in general is used synonymously with innovation, minimum viable products and funding etc. Business on the other hand refers to a wider area including expansion of existing business, geographical expansion, etc.

5 Scalable startup entrepreneurship characteristics

scalable startup entrepreneurship definition

Scalable startup entrepreneurship characteristics: What defines entrepreneurship, small business and a scalable startup? The most impactful aspect of a startup is its ability to scale. In this article, we will talk about the characteristics of a scalable startup entrepreneurship. It helps us differentiate ourselves from small businesses and convince investors about the ability of your … Read more

The word Entrepreneur is derived from Entreprende – Meaning

The word entrepreneur is derived from the french word entreprende which means to undertake risks and create a business

In this article, we also talk about the meaning of entrepreneur, entrepreneurship and its purpose. In summary, the word entrepreneur is derived from a French word meaning to take a risk. These risks culminate in the creation of something beautiful – a business born out of an idea.

Four Types of Entrepreneurship for a Founder

Differences between the four types of entrepreneurship, types of entrepreneurship, Which type of entrepreneurship should I consider

In this article, we discuss the four types of entrepreneurship and their differences. Most of these differences are in their priorities, purpose and vision. All entrepreneurs display a few characteristics which make them unique. The types of entrepreneurship help us differentiate between their approach to funding, profits and growth.

6 Key Functions of Entrepreneur to build a startup

Functions of Entrepreneur, skills of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur requirements, what does an Entrepreneur do

In this article, we talk about the various functions of entrepreneur in setting up and running a business. As you can imagine, the list of functions is innumerable, however, we can classify them under broad segments explored in this article.

6 Must-Have areas in business plan for startup

Business plan for startup: No matter what stage your business is in, the business plan is one of the most important assets. Looking back at my startup fundraising days – I can recall the number of times investors asked us multiple questions on it. Considering that it is the best asset you have as an entrepreneur, … Read more

Top 8 Entrepreneurial skills to build a successful startup

Entrepreneurial skills: In this article, we talk about key entrepreneurial skills required to create and manage a startup. As you already know, entrepreneurship has its own set of challenges and risks as opposed to an established business. In this article, we explore the key skills required to deal with the challenges of being an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial … Read more

5 Reassuring Reasons on Why you want to be an Entrepreneur

Reasons why you want to be an entrepreneur: As you know, entrepreneurship inherently has risks. Your business idea can either succeed or result in failure. However, there is an urge in entrepreneurship that makes you want to try. Key factors for the reasons why you want to be an entrepreneur are – Passion, desire to create … Read more

Define the term Entrepreneur, Types of risks undertaken

Define the term entrepreneur: Points covered in this article are – Define the term entrepreneur, type of risks taken by them. Risks taken by an entrepreneur are broadly classified into financial, opportunity and societal risks. We explain each of these risks with a small discussion. Please do share your thoughts with fellow entrepreneurs to enrich this … Read more