How to come up with a startup idea?

How to come up with a startup idea

In today’s article, I want to focus on how to come up with a startup idea. Startups are great when their ideas mature and the founder is able to create a strong market for them. But in this article, we go a step before that to the ideation phase where you’re still toying about whether it can be a startup. What makes a good idea and how to differentiate these from the bad ones?

4 Steps on How to turn your idea into business

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Every startup goes through the phase of idea generation, understanding the market and providing an adequate solution. They all start at the same wonderful place. It is a small thought in the head germinating seed of an idea that goes on to create a startup.

Ideas are like rabbits, you just need a couple of them!

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Ideas are like rabbits: A startup is much more than an idea. Most literature tends to either romanticise the idea or grit of an entrepreneur. What if I told you that the truth was somewhere in the middle? I believe that the beauty of startups is in a great execution of an idea. The idea … Read more