5 Types of Startup Funding for new entrepreneurs

Types of startup funding, how to fund a startup, funding options, entrepreneur funding, funds for founders

It is hard to run a startup without money. In this article, we talk about the types of funding opportunities available for startups. As we know, the number 1 reason why startups fails is lack of money. In this discussion, we highlight the various options you have as an entrepreneur to fund your startup. Apart from this, we also talk about the various stages of funding in the startup phase depending on the stage of your growth.

4 Distinct Factors of a Small Business Entrepreneurship

small business entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and small business management, entrepreneurship and small business, small entrepreneur, business owner entrepreneur, minority entrepreneurs, small business entrepreneurship meaning, small business entrepreneurship definition

Small business entrepreneurship: In this article, we will discuss the meaning of small business entrepreneurship, and the differences between a startup and a small business. In the later stages of the article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of small business ownership. If you are an entrepreneur, this might act as a guide about the type of business you need to create. It will raise the question of whether you’d need to create a small business or a startup. It all comes down to what you want to do with your idea.

Business Model Canvas for an Entrepreneur

business model canvas, business canvas, canvas model, business model canvas explained, business plan canvas, business model canvas definition

In this article, we will talk about the meaning and definition of a business model canvas. We will also talk about its need for an entreprenuer, tools to build a lean model canvas and main parts of it. While explaining these, we will discuss about why this is important for your startup idea. The main questions we will answer in this article are:

4 Key Differences between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship

Image showing the difference and comparison between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship

Differences between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship: These terms are used interchangeably and possibly for the right reasons. I find it hard to differentiate between the two because they are closely interlinked. However, these terms are used differently. Entrepreneur is person-centric whereas entrepreneurship is business-centric.

4 areas of Difference between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur

Difference between entrepreneur and intrapreneur summary and explanation of these differences and similarities

Difference between entrepreneur and intrapreneur: They both sound similar but are fundamentally different considering the environment they work in. We all know that both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs take risks. They both risk putting their idea in front, investing time and energy to create something new.

3 Key Characteristics of Fabian Entrepreneurs

Who are Fabian Entrepreneurs the characteristics and definition of these type of entrepreneurs

Fabian Entrepreneurs are founders or business owners who are cautious and skeptical of change and innovation. This sounds counterintuitive to entrepreneurship because startups and new businesses are characterised by creativity and change. However, once a business identifies its sources of revenue, change is not easy. Any change comes at a cost and Fabian Entrepreneurs are afraid that these changes might cost them revenue or loss of market share.

5 Key points on – Are Entrepreneurs born or made?

A debate on the question - Are Entrepreneurs born or made? , talking about skills by birth or talent vs environment in grooming

What a fun question! If I said entrepreneurs are made, it would be easy. There’s no further discussion right – it becomes a talent of a select few people and others don’t have a chance at it. Entrepreneurship however is similar to a job, a tough job nevertheless and some things will make it easy. … Read more

What is a seed round of fundraising typically used for?

Seed Round of fundraising: This is one of the most important rounds for an early-stage startup. In essence, this round defines whether an idea kicks off the ground at all. So many great ideas fail because they don’t get the traction or funds to test their business plan. As an early-stage entrepreneur, the focus is … Read more

People are the most important thing – Adam Neumann

Business Model and Product will follow if you have the right people, People are the most important thing, Adam Neumann, Team building, team, Startup, founder, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, business, small business, innovation, leadership, startup quotes

People are the most important thing – in a world full of ideas, numbers and financial projections, we shouldn’t forget that it is all about the people who make magic happen!

You’ve got to be embarrassed by your first version!

Embarrassed by your first version: This article is all about developing minimum viable products, gathering customer feedback and continually improving while keeping wastage minimal. One of the most important tenets of the agile process is to keep iterating as often as possible. If you’re waiting for perfection, then you’ll delay time for feedback, eventually costing … Read more