Making Friends As An Adult: Social Skills In The Making

Making Friends as an Adult: Came across this beautiful video by Buzzfeed about making friends I believe this is a post for someone who has stepped out of college into the professional world and trying to rack their brains around the fact that life has become so different and complicated than it was during college. … Read more

9 Tips/Techniques To Stop Feeling Socially Awkward

communication skills, inspire99 life skills, life hacks, social skills, stop feeling socially awkward

Socially Awkward: Have you ever had this feeling – the feeling that you don’t belong somewhere and people seem to be in a completely different pace than you are and you feel like getting away from there as soon as possible. Have you ever constantly felt that you are being singled out and forced at … Read more

7 Lies that Ruin your Relationship

7 Lies that Ruin your Relationship Relationship, a bond of trust and love between two people which cannot work only with the efforts of one partner. Lot of individuals think that happiness can only be there in any relationship with materialistic efforts and money In today’s environment movies , our surrounding promote that your true … Read more

Empathy or Sympathy?

There are a lot of people who shower their sympathy on you but it’s just a few countable ones who show empathy and those are the only ones with whom you can share your pain and talk your heart out. I came across this simple and a very sensible video showing the power of empathy. Watch the … Read more

Being Funny : 13 Things You Should Not Do

Who doesn’t like to be funny? Who doesn’t like the image of a crowd surrounding them, laughing with them, catering a lot of attention to them and waiting for their every word to split into a chuckle of laughter. We have always maintained humor as an extraordinary talent capable of steering a conversation into a … Read more

Wrong Communication: 8 Simple Steps To Avoid The Fear

Are you a perfect speaker? Or a perfect communication expert? Well! If the answer is don’t care – then you are either in a little bit of trouble or very confident of yourself and if the answer is yes, then read on, the article below might change how you look at communication and of course … Read more

Social Skills : What do you do when the phone rings?

 My friends hate me for this! I have always discouraged the use of phone when I am talking to someone or in the middle of an interesting conversation of a debate. I mean there is a huge intensity in the talk, a lot of care and affection and suddenly the phone beeps and the other … Read more

Judge People: How To Stop Judging

What is the first thing you do when you meet someone new? You try to understand who they are, what type of a person they are, whether they are compatible with you or not, whether you should be friends with them or continue talking to them or listen to them or even smile at them. … Read more

How to face an embarrassing situation?

facing embarrassing situation, how to respond to embarrassment,

Well life never is the smoothest thing in the world is it? And things rarely happen the way we want them to. It is as if discomfort is facing us right in the eye and asking us what we will do. The natural response is – Avoid eye contact, head down, smile sheepishly, pray that … Read more