8 Rules for goal setting to Achieve Your Dreams

In this article, we talk about the importance of goal setting for our dreams. Our dreams usually provide us with an indication of the results we want. However, there’s still the task of breaking this dream down into deliverables or milestones. We will cover some of the basics of goal setting, defining the outcomes and creating success criteria. A goal is useless if you don’t know whether you’re reaching your vision or not.

Goals should never be easy! – Michael Phelps

goals should never be easy, micheal phelps goals quote, setting goals, failing and perseverance, setting high standards

Of the many fascinating quotes, Michael Phelps’ one presents us with a beauty on goals – “I Think Goals Should Never Be Easy, They Should Force You To Work, Even If They Are Uncomfortable At The Time”. We have always been fascinated about goals, dreams and what they do to our psyche. This discussion elaborates the impact of a tough goal which can make you work your ass off. There is a beauty in something that challenges you at each note. One such note is this – Goals should never be easy!

Top 10 Doubts and Reasons to Avoid while Reaching Your Goals

Reach your goals: I have a dream, you have a dream, we all have a dream and we love to be in that fantasy world where this dream is achieved and everything we touch turns pure gold. Isn’t it a fantastic reverie to be in such a world where you feel how great this life … Read more