Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice – Henry Ford

Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice. - Henry Ford

This is a beautiful quote by Henry Ford that talks about the importance of hard work. There are 2 parts to this quote – one about the hard work of chopping and the second about taking the initiative and ownership. We all know that hard work is romanticised in motivational quotes – however hard work for the sake of work is pointless. We need to support this hard work through strategy, smart thinking and above all ownership and self-reliance. This is where we can start making the difference that Henry Ford alludes to.

Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes for inspiration and individuality

Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes, do not go where the path may lead, do not follow where the path may lead, go where there is no path, go not where the path may lead, ralph waldo emerson path quote, do not go where the path may lead meaning, do not go where the path may lead poem, emerson path quote,

Quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson: This is a collection of inspiring quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson. These quotes range from being yourself, looking at the future, hard work and perseverance. Other prominent themes also include hope, fears, doubts and enthusiasm. Each of these has a flavour and a powerful rigour to them.