Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into – Mahatma Gandhi

Faith is not something to grasp it is a state to grow into - Mahatma Gandhi quote and meaning on faith, belief and conviction

Faith is not something to grasp: Why do we need to grasp or understand faith? When we try to grasp something, it becomes an intellectual exercise. Faith is about belief, a conviction that doesn’t shake you. Most importantly, it directly connects to your values and even defines who you are as a person. In this article, I don’t mean faith as a religious word. It is just your strong beliefs that hold you together. It fundamentally defines how you think, act and react to situations.

Don’t compare your beginning to Someone else’s middle

compare quotes, quote on comparing with others, dont compare with others quote, inspirational quote, motivational quote, inspire99 quote

Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle: This is such a simple thing but we keep making this mistake over and over. Comparison is one of the biggest challenges in our generation, only because it is so hard not to compare. Our social media constantly bombards us with information about someone else leading a better life and immediately we start questioning why we don’t have it. Jealousy is one thing – it tells us what we want. But this causes envy, leaving us with a pang of paying to say that our life is not good enough.

All power is within you, Swami Vivekananda

All power is within you; you can do anything and everything. Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak; do not believe that you are half-crazy lunatics, as most of us do nowadays. You can do any thing and everything, without even the guidance of any one. Stand up and express the divinity within you

All power is within you: Whenever we find ourselves with reasons about why we can’t do something, we’ll need to think about this quote. There will be situations where we feel powerless and find ourselves in tough situations. But these situations pretend as if it is the end of the world. But there must be … Read more

8 Powerful Time Management Quotes for students

time management quotes for students, time management quotes, inspiration about time management

Time Management Quotes for Students: This article is dedicated for students to making the best use of time. Apart from work, I recall that the most stressful times about managing time were during the early times of being a student. It is perhaps because our time management skills are at their inception and we get better at it with experience. The collection of quotes is curated for students to inspire, engage thoughts and spark different thoughts about how best to use limited time.

5 Key Strategies for Time Management and Stress Management

Time management is about making the best use of time. Stress management is about managing your emotional health, mental peace and performing without being overwhelmed. The two are connected because sometimes when things don’t go as per time, missed deadlines have an impact. These potential impacts immediately cause stress making us think about the ramifications of not doing things on time.

I alone cannot change the world Mother Teresa

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples - Mother Teresa

This quote talks to me about the simplicity and power of good thoughts and actions. One person may not be too big to make all the difference in the world. But one person can create a ripple effect by doing something that the rest of the world joins in. The beauty of this quote is not just in the humility Mother Teresa reflects in the quote. It is also about the belief in others and resonance that can create a ripple effect to cast a wide enough change for the world to revel in.

Some people come in our life as blessings and some as lessons

Some people come in our life as blessings. Some come in your life as lessons - Mother Teresa

I love this beautiful quote by Mother Teresa talking about the type of people we encounter in life. We were never promised a rosy life with the best people in the world. The law of averages tells us that you’ll meet a few awful people in life. However, going by the same law, you’ll also meet some incredible people who’ll make you feel that life is a beautiful journey. The point in the quote is – we all have blessings and lessons in life. But neither is wasteful. People come into our lives for various reasons. it feels like there’s a mystical element of unknown to it. But they come into our life, it is up to us to decide how close we let them be. This depends on our outlook and confidence in the initial perception we will have about them.

You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great - Zig Ziglar Quotes

A powerful quote that talks about the importance of starting without being too overwhelmed or consumed by the details. Here we explore the impact of planning and ensuring that your dreams don’t wait till the plan has reached perfection.

People will forget what you said-Maya Angelou

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel - Maya Angelou

People will forget what you said: This article is a short debate on the meaning of Maya Angelou’s quote, People will forget what you said. This quote can be used in the context of networking, relationship building or being empathetic to people. Most often communication is misquoted to be about words. The danger however is that people forget that communication is with a purpose. If you’re too focused on delivery, then you miss its impact.

Have courage to trust love one more time – Maya Angelou

Courage to trust love maya angelou

Have courage to trust love: Love is hard, painful and yet beautiful. We simply can’t live without it but there are times when it feels like we can’t live with it either. The main thing in this quote is that love tests us – constantly questioning our trust and to do something good and right … Read more