We can all complain but….

HAVE I BEEN A COMPLAINT FREAK? I have been a big fan of words from Abraham Lincoln, the above quote sets me back a few days/months/years while I remember how much of a complaint freak I was. I had endless things to grumble about – the situation, people, weather, AC, relatives and friends and family…. you get the picture … Read more

Even Lions lose more than 2/3 of their prey – Failure

It’s true, Animal Planet said so I was watching the Animal planet today and was quite surprised to hear this fact about lions. Apparently lions succeed less than 1/3 of the times on their hunt! And I am quite surprised knowing this and it gets me thinking, it is the king of the forest we … Read more

10 Effective Strategies To Stop Overthinking

10 Silly Steps To Stop Overthinking Do you think you think a lot and suffer? Do you think if only you had control over the thoughts, life would have been so much simpler? Do you think you could have felt a lot better about yourself? What do we do to avoid something like this, how … Read more