You gain strength courage and confidence by every experience

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face - Eleanor Roosevelt's Quotes

You gain strength courage and confidence by every experience: Courage and confidence don’t come to us easily. They come with a lot of hard work and effort. Each experience we face adds to this build-up of courage that shapes our confidence and approach to fear. I love the motivation in this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt … Read more

Be a good person don’t waste time to prove it – Paulo Coelho

Be a good person don't waste time to prove it

Be a good person don’t waste time to prove it: The Paulo Coelho quote on being a good person is all about personal values, social conditioning and the image we want to create in the society. The meaning of this quote can be split into the reality of being good vs appearing good. Everywhere we see, there’s a huge drive from people around us to appear good. Not many people seem to be investing in actually being good. This is primarily because it would take more work to be a good person in the first place.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal – Winston Churchill

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts - Winston Churchill quotes

Success is a beautiful feeling. Nothing comes close to the sense of accomplishment of your goals. It is a statement of your victory, a testament to your efforts and the glory in achieving them. Failure however is not fun, but its not the worst thing in the world!

Only I can change My Life, No one can do it for me

only I can change my life, self belief quotes, carol burnett quote, change life quote

Many times, particularly when things feel hard, we tend to blame the circumstances or people around us. Although a part of it might be true, we must ask the question so what? And this is the answer you’ll get for the so what question. Most often, the question – why does this happen to me feels us with sympathy, helplessness and blame. None of these help you find the solution. There’s only one person who can help you with this and that’s yourself.

Either you run the day or the day runs you – Jim Rohn

Either you run the day or the day runs you - Jim Rohn Quote

Either you run the day or the day runs you: Take control, lead the day. This is in short what the quote is telling us to do. However, we all know how hard sometimes things are. We just have to follow the motions and get through the day. Although we may never be able to follow this quote to the letter, I like the principle of this quote. The main point for me is that when the day runs us, we get busy and lose track of things. This is exactly how the most important things in our life take a backseat. Because we are so busy responding to the demands of the day, we don’t have time to do what’s important for us.

Champions aren’t made in gyms – Muhammad Ali

Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them—a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. - Muhammad Ali Quotes

Champions are different. They are different because they do something beyond what others will. It is not just the physical aspect of doing something. What’s more powerful is the internal aspect – the mind which travels well beyond what others do. Everyone goes to the gym – but the champions are those who do this, but also something beyond that takes them to the next level.

Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment

Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory - Mahatma Gandhi Quotes. Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment: Success and failure is all about the results - this is what most of us are taught to believe. I can see the logic in this because success comes with results and accolades that help us recognise a victory. This quote by Mahatma Gandhi talks about the effort involved in achieving success. Some of our successes can sometimes be fluke events. Although they give us the results, the satisfaction derived from them is small and in some cases disappointing. This quote brings the focus back to the effort involved and the satisfaction derived from this effort.

Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment: Success and failure is all about the results – this is what most of us are taught to believe. I can see the logic in this because success comes with results and accolades that help us recognise a victory. This quote by Mahatma Gandhi talks about the effort involved in achieving success. Some of our successes can sometimes be fluke events. Although they give us the results, the satisfaction derived from them is small and in some cases disappointing. This quote brings the focus back to the effort involved and the satisfaction derived from this effort.

First they ignore you then they laugh at you

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win - Mahatma Gandhi Quotes. First, they ignore you then they laugh at you: This is a typical response for anything people don't agree with. This is the world we live in. New ideas are not always welcome, they will be met with resistance, challenge and sometimes even a fight. This is especially true if your ideas are in conflict with some set of thoughts or you challenge people in power. But our job is not to listen to the entire world. We start from within. This is what the purity of our mind tells us - we get these thoughts for a reason and it is our job to act on it. This quote by Mahatma Gandhi shows us what to expect when you're taking a stance. It also motivates us to stay strong in our beliefs and find a way to express them without fear or prejudice.

First, they ignore you then they laugh at you: This is a typical response for anything people don’t agree with. This is the world we live in. New ideas are not always welcome, they will be met with resistance, challenge and sometimes even a fight. This is especially true if your ideas are in conflict with some set of thoughts or you challenge people in power.

Suffering is the essence of Success – Abdul Kalam

Suffering is the essence of success - Abdul Kalam Motivational Quotes. Suffering is the essence of success: I'm conflicted while talking about this quote. Although I appreciate what Abdul Kalam says about suffering i.e. hard work, perseverance and facing disappointments, I'm also against suffering as a precondition for success. Our journey should be fun because it isn't the results that matter in the end. It is about the journey we take and how we feel about the journey in the long run. Let's read on more to talk about this inspirational quote from Abdul Kalam

Suffering is the essence of success: I’m conflicted about this quote. Although I appreciate what Abdul Kalam says about suffering i.e. hard work, perseverance and facing disappointments, I’m also against suffering as a precondition for success. Our journey should be fun because it isn’t the results that matter in the end. It is about the journey we take and how we feel about it in the long run. Let’s read on more to talk about this inspirational quote from Abdul Kalam

To be a great champion you must believe you are the best- Muhammad Ali

To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you're not, pretend you are - Mohammad Ali. To be a great champion, you must believe you are the best: It all starts from a thread of belief. Unless we believe in ourselves, there's very little chance of success in life. And even if we succeed without belief, we won't be able to enjoy it because we end up attributing success to factors such as luck etc. Being a champion is a mindset. We all have unique abilities- let's call that our leverage. If we compare ourselves to anyone, there will be areas of strength and weaknesses. The beauty is when we can use these strengths or leverage to create a path of victory for ourselves.

To be a great champion, you must believe you are the best: It all starts from a thread of belief. Unless we believe in ourselves, there’s very little chance of success in life. And even if we succeed without belief, we won’t be able to enjoy it because we end up attributing success to factors such as luck etc. Being a champion is a mindset. We all have unique abilities- let’s call that our leverage. If we compare ourselves to anyone, there will be areas of strength and weakness. The beauty is when we can use these strengths or leverage to create a path of victory for ourselves.