When people say You Can’t do it, – David Copperfield


This quote beautifully portrays the reliance on yourself and conviction. People have multiple reasons or experiences to say that you can’t do something. Everything need not be true and it barely is. In this article, we will talk about the meaning and shortcomings of people telling you that you can’t do something.

Choose the words you say to yourself carefully

Give up defining yourself to yourself or to others you won't die, you will come to life. And don't be concerned with how others define you, when they define you, the are limiting themselves, so its their problem - Eckhart Tolle

Define yourself: What do our definitions mean? Are we only restricted by the words that we use to define ourselves? Or do we have the capability well beyond these words and what they mean? This article is all about identifying what we use to define ourselves. How do we use the words that describe our characteristics or features? And most importantly, are they limiting or elevating?

The technicality of motivation

The technicality of motivation  Interesting to see how topics turn up. I was talking to my frien today about motivation and how to keep oneself in an inspired state of mind when the common perception is that it is the worst phase. He drew out a beautiful analogy to support a very cogent argument. As a … Read more