Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice – Henry Ford

Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice. - Henry Ford

This is a beautiful quote by Henry Ford that talks about the importance of hard work. There are 2 parts to this quote – one about the hard work of chopping and the second about taking the initiative and ownership. We all know that hard work is romanticised in motivational quotes – however hard work for the sake of work is pointless. We need to support this hard work through strategy, smart thinking and above all ownership and self-reliance. This is where we can start making the difference that Henry Ford alludes to.

10 Inspiring Sachin Quotes for dreams, passion

Don't stop chasing your dreams, because dreams do come true - Sachin Tendulkar Quotes

Sachin Tendulkar, also known as the “God of Cricket,” is a former Indian cricketer who is widely regarded as one of the greatest batsmen in the history of the sport. His career spanned over two decades, during which he broke numerous records and achieved countless accolades. However, beyond his cricketing prowess, Sachin Tendulkar is also admired for his inspiring quotes on life, success, and perseverance. From his determination to achieve his dreams to his emphasis on humility and focus, Sachin’s words have the power to motivate and uplift anyone. Here are some of the most inspiring Sachin Tendulkar quotes to help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

Beliefs! What to and what not to?!

“ But I knew this much: I believed in belief, for its own shining sake. To believe in the face of utter hopelessness, every article of evidence to the contrary, to ignore apparent catastrophe– what other choice was there? We do it every day, I realized. We are so much stronger than we imagine, and … Read more

25 Inspirational quotes on perseverance

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it, what does success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it mean, success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it report writing, success quotes, thoreau success quote, success comes to those who work for it, success comes to those who quotes

It is hard to keep going when things are tough. This article is a collection of quotes on perseverance to help us power through these tough times. Romantically, I’m expected to say that we should never quit but keep going. But that’s your personal choice to make right? If it is important enough to us, we will always find ways to keep moving forward. But these times need some motivation and powerful words to help us focus. For that, here’s the collection of perseverance quotes to help our determination.

20 Powerful quotes on focus for success

Efficiency is doing things right Effectiveness is doing right things quote by Peter drucker - Efficiency is doing things right: It's not just important to use our time wisely to become productive. It is most important to ensure that we are spending our time on the right things. This quote by Peter Drucker beautifully talks about the difference between efficiency and effectiveness. It is so easy to get caught up in the idea of being productive with time. However, effectiveness asks us to step out of this biased thinking. It forces us to look at the big picture and ask whether we are compromising effectiveness for the sake of efficiency.

In this article, we have a collection of quotes on focus and concentration. We are capable of doing so many things on a daily basis. But the focus isn’t always on our side. With so many distractions and ways to capture our interest, these quotes help us think about the type of things that take us away from our focus. What we focus on is what we are becoming.

25 Helen Keller Quotes to overcome our limitations

life is a daring adventure, taking risky decisions in life, uncertainty in life, security is a superstition, helen keller life is either a daring adventure or nothing

When I thought of a title for this article, I couldn’t think of anything more than – limitations, fighting spirit and moving ahead without complaining. Maybe these terms create an image of Helen Keller that I have. I’m conscious that these terms are too inadequate to define a personality. Perhaps, we may take solace in the fact that there’s so much to inspire us from her words, works and a life of example.

50 Powerful failure quotes to revive and rejuvenate us

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail, who said our greatest glory is not in never falling, our greatest glory is not in never falling meaning,

This article is a collection of quotes on failure and how they continue to inspire us. It is natural to be withdrawn and feel sorry when we fail. But beyond this feeling of sorry, we need to find a way to quickly move forward. Sure, we need to heal and find a way to put our full effort forward. I hope these quotes offer a perspective and a motivation to keep moving ahead and finding the meaning of your own life.

Develop success from failures, discouragement – Dale Carnegie

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success - Dale Carnegie quote, Success from Failures, Resilience, Learning from Setbacks, Personal Growth, Overcoming Challenges, Adaptation, Self-Improvement, Perseverance, Transformative Power of Failure, Building Resilience, Dale Carnegie Quotes. #SuccessFromFailures #OvercomingChallenges #PersonalGrowth #DaleCarnegieQuotes #EmbraceSetbacks #TransformativePowerOfFailure #AchieveGreatness #InspiringQuotes #Perseverance #SelfImprovement

The quote by Dale Carnegie, “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success,” sheds light on the transformative power of setbacks and challenges. It encourages us to view failures not as roadblocks but as crucial stepping stones towards achieving success. In this article, we delve into the profound meaning of this quote, analyze its key messages, and offer insights on how to draw inspiration from it responsibly.

10 Awe-Inspiring Determination Quotes For Your Dreams

determination quotes, quotes on determination vs talent, success and determination in life, inspirational quotes, mediocre people quotes

Determination is the driving force that propels us to achieve greatness, overcome challenges, and turn dreams into reality. In times of adversity, motivational quotes on determination serve as powerful reminders of our inner strength and resilience. In this article, we present a collection of inspiring quotes that celebrate the essence of determination, motivating you to stay focused, persevere, and embrace success.

It is hard to fail but it is worse never to have tried to succeed

Roosevelt quotes, It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed - Roosevelt Quotes

The fear of failure often holds people back from pursuing their dreams and achieving their goals. But in reality, not trying at all is far worse than failing. This sentiment is encapsulated in the famous quote by Theodore Roosevelt, “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”