A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes

A Man is But the Product of His Thoughts What He Thinks He Becomes - Mahatma Gandhi quote

A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes! This powerful quote by Mahatma Gandhi emphasizes the impact of our thoughts on our lives. Our thoughts influence our emotions, behaviours, and attitudes, ultimately affecting our decisions and the course of our lives. This idea is not only limited to Gandhi’s quote but a constant reminder that self-help or personality development areas focus on.

Boonaa Mohammed:”I Just Kill You All..With LOVE”

Boona Mohammed is a critically acclaimed award winning writer, performer, activist and entrepreneur. He conducts writing workshops and seminars, sharing his experience and expertise in Spoken Word story-telling with mainly youth from all walks of life across the world. Here is one of his poetry which will touch your heart. Boona Mohammed will teach you how … Read more