3 Inspiring Mother Theresa Quotes on Love and Faith

Mother Theresa has been the symbol of kindness and empathy for ages and her words have always made us stop and think about others before being completely involved within ourselves. This article is a mine collection of Mother Theresa quotes on love and faith. We do a complete exploration of her quotes in the collection: … Read more

Every problem is a gift – Anthony Robbins

This article is dedicated to the many problems we face on a daily basis. You can call it almost a passion to find out how people respond to these problems/issues/challenges. There are instances where problems drown us into hopeless situations and make us weak/terrible and helpless. There are also numerous examples where the very problems have helped people to come out of these and shake out a new life for themselves.

Risk Appetite: Almost everything comes with some Risk!

Everything has risks, quote about risk, impact and necessity of risk, how are we programmed to handle risk

This post is dedicated to the risk taking ability in us with a plethora of challenges we are constantly bombarded with! It highlights the many risks which define our journey and a healthy approach to take them as they come along without being fazed or run over

There are no secrets to success – Colin Powell

success secrets, secrets to success, success and failure quotes, quote analysis, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure – Colin Powell

This article explores secrets of success, practical side of its importance and reality. There are far too many lies about the single trick of success. This article is about challenging the myths out there and focusing on reality

There is no shortage of remarkable ideas, Seth Godin

there's no shortage of remarkable ideas, business ideas, validating business ideas, how do I know if my idea is worth pursuing, is my idea good

I’ve come across so many quotes which glorify the importance of an idea. Yes, ideas are important, but they’re only a starting point. We will spend a part of this article arguing on identifying how to turn these ideas into tangible value. A key piece of this is to identify if an idea is worth pursuing in the first place.

If people are doubting how far you can go – Run Away!

If people are doubting how far you can go, doubting your abilities, criticism from society, demotivation from people

If people are doubting you: I am quite a fan of these quotes about society and its impact on people. It is a funny mix we all live in – with the wonderful optimists, nay Sayers and all sorts of influencers. But today’s quote is inspired from the impact of these doubters on our goals … Read more

Don’t limit yourself, you can go as far as your mind lets you!

don’t limit yourself, limiting beliefs, limiting thoughts inspiration, what you believe you achieve, mary kay ash quote on beliefs

Don’t limit yourself: It is a very powerful statement to start with. I am now connecting this back to all the wonderful experiences of failure over the last few years. Not long ago, I was wondering – maybe I have sacrificed the ability to dream a bit in the name of reality.   At the same … Read more

Why do we do the things we do – How to find our motivation?

feel tired, doing things we do, finding energy in things we do, sparks a light within, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, quote of the day, quotes

Why do we do the things we do?: I have been thinking about this for a while. Of all the different experiences in my career I have been fortunate to have, a question has constantly recurred.   Why am I doing these things in the first place?   What will happen if I stop doing? … Read more