Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy

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In this article, we discuss the meaning of these inspirational words by Suzy Kassem. While discussing the meaning, we also explore the core values of bringing out your originality and fighting for them. The context in this article is about happiness in being yourself while the entire world around you is trying to make you into something or someone else.

Learning gives creativity creativity leads to thinking

learning gives creativity creativity leads to thinking, learning gives creativity, learning gives creativity abdul kalam, learning gives creativity creativity leads to thinking meaning, learning gives creativity creativity leads to thinking thinking provides knowledge knowledge makes you great, abdul kalam educational quotes

Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking – A beautiful quote by Abdul Kalam on creativity and thinking. This quote is best suited for students with a curiosity and hunger for knowledge. Although most of our education system is based on marks and scoring high – there is a huge part of innovation and original thinking that people miss. This quote by Abdul Kalam is a reminder for us to constantly remember that learning and creativity don’t happen in a vacuum. It needs encouragement and learning.

Life has no remote, get up and change it yourself!

Change is often a necessity, it doesn’t really wait for anyone. And most times, our life is not exactly on the path we like either. It takes twists and turns that need to be addressed. This article is a dedication to those twists and turns. Not just a dedication but a reminder that no one else can fight our battles. It is up to us to make the change we really need.

Face The Brutes, Face it boldly- Swami Vivekananda

Face The Brutes:  I love Vivekananda’s quotes – they fill you with such power and motivation. His words are like fire and this article is a dedication to facing our fears, insecurities and literally everything that holds us back. You may argue that some of these are very difficult to face. I don’t deny that, but these rationalisations don’t help you. The only thing that can make a difference is winning over these fears and conquering what’s rightfully yours.

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.

Most times our desires or goals manifest as large, overwhelming challenges. The trick however is not in trying to do everything at once. It is in taking small, measurable and continuous improvements. The main point to ensure is that you’re constantly progressing. Growth occurs in stages and that’s why sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest!

The Past Can Hurt but the way I see it – Lion King

the past can hurt, the past can hurt but you can learn from it, the past can hurt but the way i see it quote, the past can hurt but you can either run from it or learn from it, lion king monkey quote about the past, the past can hurt lion king scene, the past is the past lion king quote, oh yes the past can hurt, , past can hurt lion king, lion king quote on past, quote on past, learning from past quote, past failures quote, running from past quote, inspirational quote, motivational quote, quote of the day, inspiring quotes, daily quote

The past can hurt: This article is about the meaning of the Lion King quote – the past can hurt. Here, we will talk about the meaning of past failures, and how they continue to haunt our current day life. This also takes the form of regrets. But the truth is that life changes at every turn and so do we. We have learnt from our past to move ahead and grow. Maybe it is time to let go of this and move ahead to make sense of our present and future.

Humility Is Not Thinking Less Of Yourself – C.S. Lewis

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A beautiful quote that conflicts humility, confidence and arrogance. I love all these aspects because even though some of them sound like negative trait, it has a beautiful influence on our determination and perseverance. In this article, I’d like to debate the meaning of humility.

Trying to be Normal rarely succeeds, Meaning – Maya Angelou

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This article is all about the beautiful quote from Maya Angelou which talks about the cultural training of normalisation, being one of the herd and blending in. While we explore the dimensions of this quote, we talk about the need for normalisation, the necessity to break the mould and above all, feeling comfortable and confident about who you are. In the end it is all about giving yourself the opportunity to explore the true potential. 

Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently

Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently, how to begin after failure, restarting from failure, how to use failure to succeed, working from failure, Failure quote henry ford, start from failure quote, daily quote, inspirational quotes failure

Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently: As much as we hate failure – there is a benefit to it. Once we accept failure, we are left with the question of what to do about it. In this article, we discuss the meaning of learning from failure and starting again.

Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship definition

scalable startup entrepreneurship definition

Scalable startup entrepreneurship definition: In this article, we go through some key phrases such as – Scalable startup entrepreneurship definition, differences in growth vs scaling a business and the meaning of scaling a business. In this discussion, we assume familiarity with some common business terms and startup phrases. If you have any specific questions or comments, please let us know in the section below.