First they ignore you then they laugh at you

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win - Mahatma Gandhi Quotes. First, they ignore you then they laugh at you: This is a typical response for anything people don't agree with. This is the world we live in. New ideas are not always welcome, they will be met with resistance, challenge and sometimes even a fight. This is especially true if your ideas are in conflict with some set of thoughts or you challenge people in power. But our job is not to listen to the entire world. We start from within. This is what the purity of our mind tells us - we get these thoughts for a reason and it is our job to act on it. This quote by Mahatma Gandhi shows us what to expect when you're taking a stance. It also motivates us to stay strong in our beliefs and find a way to express them without fear or prejudice.

First, they ignore you then they laugh at you: This is a typical response for anything people don’t agree with. This is the world we live in. New ideas are not always welcome, they will be met with resistance, challenge and sometimes even a fight. This is especially true if your ideas are in conflict with some set of thoughts or you challenge people in power.

A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes

A Man is But the Product of His Thoughts What He Thinks He Becomes - Mahatma Gandhi quote

A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes! This powerful quote by Mahatma Gandhi emphasizes the impact of our thoughts on our lives. Our thoughts influence our emotions, behaviours, and attitudes, ultimately affecting our decisions and the course of our lives. This idea is not only limited to Gandhi’s quote but a constant reminder that self-help or personality development areas focus on.

11 Inspiring Mahatma Gandhi Quotes for Character, Empowerment

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Gandhiji Inspirational Quotes: This article is a collection of inspirational thoughts by Gandhiji. These quotes reflect on thoughts about personal character, conviction, beliefs and strength of your will. The purpose of this article is to fill us with inspiration through some of his words which are valuable even to this day. They not only serve to motivate but to challenge your thought process and be fair to your inspirational genius within.

5 inspiring quotes from Gandhi

To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest - Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi, The father of our nation, the man behind the idea of non-violence, a person known for his indomitable will, determination, self-belief, values, morals, thoughts, actions and so much more has always been close to our hearts. I have been fond of his words, maybe because he had the strength to live most of them through his actions and that made a huge difference, both in his life and ours as well. Here is a collection of 5 best quotes from Gandhi and our thoughts on it. 

To believe in something and not to live it is dishonest

To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest - Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi, also known as Gandhi Ji or Mohandas Gandhi, was a leader of the Indian independence movement and is known for his philosophy of nonviolent civil disobedience. One of his famous quotes is “To believe in something and not to live it is dishonest.” This quote reflects Gandhi’s belief that action is more important than words. In order to truly believe in something, one must live it and take action towards it. Simply holding a belief or stating a belief without taking action towards it is not enough.

Mahatma Gandhi : He Was Not Perfect!

I was reading this article about Gandhi recently, the man who is hailed no short of a god in India, the father of the nation, the person who played a pivotal role in our independence, the creator of the idea of non-violence and so many more accolades that speak of character at every turn.