life quotes

Listen To The Best Advice, Go Away And Do The Exact Opposite

Listen to the best advice: Both giving and listening to advice are hard work. It puts an unfair amount of stress on the person giving you advice. And for the one taking it, we don’t always know what the advice giver feels if we don’t take their advice. See, this has already started getting complicated. […]

I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away doing the exact opposite - G.K.Chesterton

To live in the present moment is a miracle

Do we stop to consider – are we living every moment of our life with concentration and deriving joy from all these actions without feeling rushed or pressured? Of course, there will be distractions to take us away – these can be goals, pressures and work deadlines. But at each fleeting moment, this time we have is gone and left us. The least we can do is to make the best out of it.

To live in the present moment is a miracle. The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth in the present moment, to appreciate the peace and beauty that are available now.

A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing grows

A comfort zone is a beautiful place: This is a beautiful quote talking about continuous growth, moving outside our comfort zone. In this article, we will talk about the meaning of the comfort zone, how it influences us. Through this article, we will also interpret the meaning of this quote – a comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there.

A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there

Quote of the day collection of daily inspirational quotes

Quote of the Day is a collection of quotes to inspire, motivate, or simply provide a moment of reflection. This article is a running collection updated daily with a new thought of the day. This will be on various topics such as success, love, happiness, and more. A quote of the day article aims to provide a brief but impactful message that can help us start, refresh or activate our day.

Inspiration: The truth will set you free, but first, it will piss you off

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. Some of the topics that we will go through this article are:
1. Acceptance of who you are and your situation
2. Living without denial 
3. Facing challenges and adversities as they are – Truth 
4. Deciding what to do about it

truth will set you free, quotes about truth, meaning of truth, true quotes, quotes about life, inspiration, inspirational words, quote of the day, quote analysis, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, motivational words, daily quote, life quotes, life advice

Efficiency is doing things right Vs Effectiveness!

Efficiency Vs Effectiveness is a common business debate – focus on identifying the purpose of business or work vs trying to find the best way to do it. A constructive clash between purpose and profitability and sometimes destructive too.

inspiration, inspirational words, quote of the day, quote analysis, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, motivational words, daily quote, life quotes, life advice, thought of the day, efficiency vs effectiveness, efficiency is doing things right, meaning of efficiency, effectiveness meaning, effectiveness is doing right things
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