Every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person

every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person, every pain gives a lesson, every pain gives a lesson meaning, abdul kalam pain quote, pain and suffering quotes, pain quote, quotes on pain, quotes on lesson, life quotes, inspirational quotes

Every pain gives a lesson and every lesson changes a person: We often ignore pain and distract ourselves from facing it. It is never nice to feel this pain – a distraction however gives us an easy, quick route to stop feeling this pain. Distractions can help in the short term, but they fail us with time. I love this quote by Abdul Kalam because it talks about the importance of pain, lessons it imparts and finally leads us to the point of self-reliance which enables us to take charge and do something about the pain.

Quote of the day collection of daily inspirational quotes

photo of a sign and eyeglasses on table

Quote of the Day is a collection of quotes to inspire, motivate, or simply provide a moment of reflection. This article is a running collection updated daily with a new thought of the day. This will be on various topics such as success, love, happiness, and more. A quote of the day article aims to provide a brief but impactful message that can help us start, refresh or activate our day.

Dreams transform into thoughts and result in action

Dreams transform into thoughts and they result in action - Quotes by APJ abdul kalam on dreams

Dreams transform into thoughts: This is such a beautiful quote about dreams by Abdul Kalam. Ever since I read his book, Wings of Fire, I’ve fallen in love with his thoughts about dreams. These quotes are usually followed by their powerful companions – perseverance and hard work. As we talk about Kalam’s quote on dreams transforming into thoughts and actions, let’s try and explore the meaning of this quote and its relevance in today’s world.

What you’re thinking is what you’re becoming – Muhammad Ali

What you are thinking is what you are becoming quote from Muhammad Ali

What you’re thinking is what you’re becoming: We are never a finished product – instead, we’re in the constant process of becoming. These thoughts however are extremely powerful. If we ignore them, easily poisonous thoughts such as doubts, lies and disbelief will start pestering us. The best thing we can do is to be aware of these thoughts, what they are trying to tell us and think of the best ways to indulge in them.

Efficiency is doing things right effectiveness is doing the right things

Efficiency is doing things right Effectiveness is doing right things quote by Peter drucker - Efficiency is doing things right: It's not just important to use our time wisely to become productive. It is most important to ensure that we are spending our time on the right things. This quote by Peter Drucker beautifully talks about the difference between efficiency and effectiveness. It is so easy to get caught up in the idea of being productive with time. However, effectiveness asks us to step out of this biased thinking. It forces us to look at the big picture and ask whether we are compromising effectiveness for the sake of efficiency.

Efficiency is doing things right: It’s not just important to use our time wisely to become productive. It is most important to ensure that we are spending our time on the right things. This quote by Peter Drucker beautifully talks about the difference between efficiency and effectiveness. It is so easy to get caught up in the idea of being productive with time. However, effectiveness asks us to step out of this biased thinking. It forces us to look at the big picture and ask whether we are compromising effectiveness for the sake of efficiency.

The key is in not spending time, but in investing it – Stephen Covey

The key is in not spending time, but in investing it - Stephen Covey Time is lost, even before we start thinking about it. Unfortunately, most times we don't treat time with the same respect because something else takes priority. This quote by Stephen Covey, makes us pause and rethink about time as an investment for the future. As much as I like the idea of investing time in the future, I'm conflicted with the thought that disregards the present and treats it as a tool for the future.

The key is in not spending time: Time is lost, even before we start thinking about it. Unfortunately, most times we don’t treat time with the same respect because something else takes priority. This quote by Stephen Covey, makes us pause and rethink about time as an investment for the future. As much as I like the idea of investing time in the future, I’m conflicted with the thought that disregards the present and treats it as a tool for the future.

3 Rules to deal with Not Having Enough Time?

Not Having Enough Time: We are always busy – too many things clamouring for attention. This makes managing time and stress very difficult. However, it is a pertinent problem – big enough to ensure that we must do something about it. Or else we constantly run a risk of being overwhelmed, stressed and not having enough time for the things that we want to do.

I’ve learned that even when I have pains, I don’t have to be one – Maya Angelou

maya angelou quote pain, don't be a pain even when you are in one, maya angelou self pity, maya angelou pain quote

Maya Angelou I’ve learned is a beautiful poem with powerful quotes on human kindness, love and compassion. This article is an excerpt from – I’ve learned that even when I have pains, I don’t have to be one – Maya Angelou

Some people come in life as blessings – Mother Teresa

Some people come in our life as blessings. Some come in your life as lessons - Mother Teresa

Some people come in life as blessings: I would take blessings any day compared to lessons. Learning lessons is hard work – it gives us unfavourable results – in other words it is no fun at all. The worst part is sometimes it is hard to identify who’s coming as what. The same people that … Read more

It is in times of crisis that good leaders emerge!

It is in times of crisis that good leaders emerge, Rudolph Giuliani quote, quote of the day, times of crisis quote, leaders emerge quote, internal leader, leader within you, leadership quote, leader inspiration, leadership motivation

Times of crisis: Recession, Covid, downturn – all easily indicate the times of crisis business has seen over the past few years. However, the leadership required during these stages don’t change. It just demands a different type of skillset dig deep into the core values and lead the team. Lots of companies have taken the route of shedding employees to save costs. However, it raises a question about the sustainability of such an approach. A fast-hire/fire culture may not always be the best course of action.