Beliefs! What to and what not to?!

“ But I knew this much: I believed in belief, for its own shining sake. To believe in the face of utter hopelessness, every article of evidence to the contrary, to ignore apparent catastrophe– what other choice was there? We do it every day, I realized. We are so much stronger than we imagine, and … Read more

The things we take for granted

I have often been very prejudiced against the policemen ( maybe cos they had stopped me for not having a helmet or not carrying the license and what not). Somehow never felt that connected or the need to appreciate. But I guess something today made me think a little different. I was outdoor at the … Read more

Proof of Failure!!

It is always a nice feeling to talk to people who have a bunch of ideas and want to make things happen. I was talking to my friend yesterday and as a part of the conversation he came up with this phrase – “Proof of failure”. His exact words were  “ I want to try this new … Read more

SJCE Mysore, Yampa, cold coffee – Bliss :)

I had been to our college today, on a meeting with our Principal. Half way through, I realized that I was going to be there for quite a while and luckily for me, I had a book in my bag. I pulled it out and then I realized, there was something I have always been … Read more

Live examples of true inspiration- Lesson 1 – Surya the sculptor

An interesting person I met today was Mr Surya, twice Mr Karnataka winner, now a very happy sculptor who was telling about the way things have happened in his life and the way his journey came to doing stone carving and why he does what he does and where the bloody passion comes front. His … Read more