The 10 Rules Of Compassion: Relationship, Social Advice, Life Tips and Hacks

10 rules of compassion: Compassion is a really nice word isn’t it? It makes us feel more human and more connected to the people around us. It makes us feel that we belong to this world and this community of humans and we all have a certain role to play. Needless to say, it really feels amazing to be compassionate and connect to people at the time they need our help.

Ultimate Definition Of Forgiveness! – Oprah

I never heard a perception of forgiveness  like this before. Watch the video and you will end up with a completely new perception on forgiving yourself or something which happened in your life. Letting go of the past is the crucial and the most necessary step to move ahead in life. Have you ever thought about the … Read more

The Slap is the difference between revenge and forgiveness

An article caught my eye today. It was about an incident in Iran, a young boy was stabbed to death in a street fight and the murderer was due to be hanged publically. When he was about to be hanged, the victim’s mother shows up, slaps tight on the face of the murderer and said … Read more