First they ignore you then they laugh at you

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win - Mahatma Gandhi Quotes. First, they ignore you then they laugh at you: This is a typical response for anything people don't agree with. This is the world we live in. New ideas are not always welcome, they will be met with resistance, challenge and sometimes even a fight. This is especially true if your ideas are in conflict with some set of thoughts or you challenge people in power. But our job is not to listen to the entire world. We start from within. This is what the purity of our mind tells us - we get these thoughts for a reason and it is our job to act on it. This quote by Mahatma Gandhi shows us what to expect when you're taking a stance. It also motivates us to stay strong in our beliefs and find a way to express them without fear or prejudice.

First, they ignore you then they laugh at you: This is a typical response for anything people don’t agree with. This is the world we live in. New ideas are not always welcome, they will be met with resistance, challenge and sometimes even a fight. This is especially true if your ideas are in conflict with some set of thoughts or you challenge people in power.

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over!

even if you are on the right track, decision making, following through decisions, feedback on your decisions, continuous improvement in decision

Even if you are on the right track: We’ve got to keep moving and adapting in life. Our job is not over when we reach success. Instead, it is only in continuous progress that we will see lasting success. It is the same tortoise and hare story. The moment, we decide to take our eyes off the goal – more obstacles creep up. Obstacles become these scary things that magically appear when we move astray.

No matter how many customers you have, each is an individual!

Networking business

I’m a huge fan of data, but there’s a big problem in treating people as data. The only way to do business is by treating customers as people. If we’re able to understand our customers and do our best to provide them a great quality of service – then the type of business is of a great pleasure.