Keep Going even when it is Tough – Perseverance!

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In the face of adversity, keep pushing forward. Tough times demand unwavering perseverance. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Each step, no matter how small, propels you closer to your goals. Stay focused, stay motivated, and continue moving forward. Trust your abilities and believe in the power of resilience.

Dealing with a risk of failure in the startup

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The entrepreneurial world can get slightly cruel at times. I can recall a fair few situations where things have seemed bleak and success has been hard to come by. Even in cases where I thought that the chances of failure are less, I have been proved wrong.

I guess such is life – we only have outcomes, our efforts and in hindsight a story of why things did not work the way we wanted.

If we are looking at a life with zero chance of failure, the utopia is probably much further from the truth than we are prepared to accept. And nothing ever comes from denial! – We can deny all we want, for all our life, but the results are the results – nothing beats the truth!

Have you ever seen someone without any fear at all?

Have you seen someone who is not afraid? I am sure the answer is not going to be a yes! I believe no matter what we do, there shall always be the outcomes or the thoughts which are going to scare us, make us feel ill at ease, make us think about what we do … Read more