Where Your Fear is There is your Task – Carl Jung

Where your fear is, there is your task!

Where your fear is there is your task: Fear is powerful. It can either debilitate us completely and sometimes even paralyse us. But the beauty of fear is that even though it’s got that capability, it can vanish into the thin air. Even more beautiful is the point that you and I can do this by refocusing our energies and listening, leaning into what this fear is telling us.

Fear is The Cheapest Room in The House, You Deserve Better Conditions – Hāfez

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Fear in the House! Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions – Hāfez We have been very vocal when it comes to writing about fear. Drawing from our previous post – 11 Practical Steps to Overcoming Fears, we did make an elaborate commentary about … Read more