Where Your Fear is There is your Task – Carl Jung

Where your fear is, there is your task!

Where your fear is there is your task: Fear is powerful. It can either debilitate us completely and sometimes even paralyse us. But the beauty of fear is that even though it’s got that capability, it can vanish into the thin air. Even more beautiful is the point that you and I can do this by refocusing our energies and listening, leaning into what this fear is telling us.

The coward dies a 1000 deaths!

 “The coward dies a thousand deaths, the valiant, only once!”   -Shakespeare What all are you afraid of? I somehow find it interesting to keep questioning what all fears we have, some very rational and some highly irrational. If I look back and see what all the fears I have had in life – I … Read more

7 creative ways to face fear

Fears are perhaps one of the most natural feelings that we are going to have. Some of them drive us in the right direction, some weaken us, some make us question ourselves, most of all they make us force ourselves into action. If not, it is a fear which is misrepresented and a fear which … Read more