Quote of the day collection of daily inspirational quotes

photo of a sign and eyeglasses on table

Quote of the Day is a collection of quotes to inspire, motivate, or simply provide a moment of reflection. This article is a running collection updated daily with a new thought of the day. This will be on various topics such as success, love, happiness, and more. A quote of the day article aims to provide a brief but impactful message that can help us start, refresh or activate our day.

I never dreamed about success – Estee Lauder

Estee Lauder success quote analysis, working towards dreams, Estee Lauder, AchieveThroughEffort, EsteeLauderWisdom , PathToSuccess, I never dreamed about success, I worked for it, dreaming of success, quote of the day, thought for the day, daily quotes, motivational quotes, positive affirmations, uplifting quotes, daily inspiration, daily thoughts, inspirational sayings, words of wisdom, wise quotes, daily motivational quotes, inspiring quotes, best quotes, famous quotes, encouraging quotes

Estee Lauder’s impactful quote resonates deeply with the essence of achieving success. It underscores the importance of action and effort in realizing one’s dreams rather than simply wishing for success to come effortlessly. This quote encapsulates the principle that success is not a result of mere dreams but is earned through dedication, hard work, and relentless pursuit.

5 inspiring quotes from Gandhi

To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest - Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi, The father of our nation, the man behind the idea of non-violence, a person known for his indomitable will, determination, self-belief, values, morals, thoughts, actions and so much more has always been close to our hearts. I have been fond of his words, maybe because he had the strength to live most of them through his actions and that made a huge difference, both in his life and ours as well. Here is a collection of 5 best quotes from Gandhi and our thoughts on it. 

Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence

"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent", Persistence and success quotes, Talent vs persistence quote,Quotes about determination and success, Achieving goals through persistence, Perseverance as a key to success, quote of the day, thought for the day, daily quotes, motivational quotes, positive affirmations, uplifting quotes, daily inspiration, daily thoughts, inspirational sayings, words of wisdom, wise quotes, daily motivational quotes, inspiring quotes, best quotes, famous quotes, encouraging quotes

“Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.”

This insightful quote encapsulates a profound truth about success and the role of persistence in achieving one’s goals. At its core, the quote emphasizes that no matter how talented or gifted an individual may be, without persistence, their talents alone are insufficient to guarantee success. The world is full of examples where individuals with immense talent have fallen short of achieving their aspirations due to a lack of perseverance.

Success is getting what you want happiness is – W.P.Kinsella

success and happiness quotes, achieving happiness through contentment, perspective on success and happiness, balance between ambition and contentment, pursuing goals and finding joy, wisdom from W.P. Kinsella, embracing the journey to success, lessons from "Shoeless Joe," W.P. Kinsella's philosophy of life, quote of the day, thought for the day, daily quotes, motivational quotes, positive affirmations, uplifting quotes, daily inspiration, daily thoughts, inspirational sayings, words of wisdom, wise quotes, daily motivational quotes, inspiring quotes, best quotes, famous quotes, encouraging quotes

W.P. Kinsella’s quote, “Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get,” challenges us to reevaluate our perspective on success and happiness. It encourages us to find a delicate equilibrium between our aspirations and our present state. By understanding that true happiness originates from embracing the present and finding contentment within, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery and fulfilment.

5 Inspiring Mary Kom Quotes to kick up motivation

This article is a collection of inspirational quotes from Mary Kom. While discussing these quotes, we try to debate the meaning and how we can derive inspiration from them. Some of these quotes from Mary Kom are powerful enough to get us off our slump and do something with our life.

Something you definitely didn’t know about Kofi Annan!

 Well! Who hasn’t heard of Kofi Annan? The 2 term UN secretary general, the 2001 Nobel peace prize winner, one of the most successful men in history and a celebrated person for his efforts to appease the war situation in Syria! Here are a few things you did not know about him, I can promise … Read more

5 Inspiring Things About Micheal Jordon

I have always been a great fan of Nike and it’s advertisements. I came across an inspiring video of  them featuring Micheal Jordan also called “Air Jordan”. Jordan is one of the greatest basketball player of all time. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Uugz5Y7u6M&w=560&h=315] I like the the way the whole video is shot. We can relate to it … Read more

5 valuable Steven Spielberg lessons from anecdotes

Here are the 5 lessons we can learn from one of the finest motion picture maker
1. Dream big or go home
2. Take one idea and make that your life
3. You don’t need to be a top graduate or score high marks to succeed
4. Stay hungry, stay foolish
5. Rejections and failures are important for success

5 lessons from Messi

5 things to learn from Messi! I have always been a cricket fan, but if there is one person who has made me fall in love with Football, I owe it all to Messi! Naturally we were very curious to know more about him and here is where the research led us to 5 gems … Read more