What is the meaning of entrepreneur, functions and characteristics

What is the meaning of entrepreneur: In the last few articles, we’ve focused on entrepreneurship, its origin, functions and key characteristics. In today’s article, we’ll focus on answering the question – what is the meaning of an entrepreneur. I’m sure you’ve heard or read about this in different formats. Most times, loosely entrepreneurship is treated … Read more

Entrepreneurship is an opportunity to create wealth

Entrepreneurship is an opportunity to create wealth: In this article, we would like to highlight the possibilities of entrepreneurship for macroeconomic impact or wider impacts. Most times, we talk about entrepreneurship in the light of business profits, growth and scaling. In this discussion, I’d like to spend some time on the following: The value created … Read more

Van Gogh Alive-4 Areas for an Entrepreneur to define your Business Strategy

Van Gogh Alive Immersive Experience scaled

Van Gogh Alive: I’ve been transformed into a world of magic through art. This possibly sums it all to me about the Van Gogh alive experience I’ve had last week. The show is arguably one of the best I’ve seen and would love to revisit at the earliest opportunity. Before I start sounding like someone … Read more

Why it Pays more to Pay More-3 Practical Tips for Entrepreneurs

Today, I want to talk about a brilliant podcast about pay rises in an organisation. In the past, I took inspiration from a quote by Robert Bosch – I don’t pay good wages because I have a lot of money, I have a lot of money because I pay good wages. For details on this … Read more

4 Startup Mistakes: Execution is more important than planning

Execution is more important than planning

Execution is more important than planning: It is often said – Great ideas rule the world. I couldn’t agree more! Each of these ideas has transformed the world into an exciting place today. And most times ideas are as simple as using houses to stay instead of hotels (Airbnb) or making taxi bookings easier such as … Read more

You can’t use up creativity – Practice Makes a Difference


You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.

Maya Angelou

 I’m a huge fan of this quote. Before I delve into details – id certainly admit that I’m not the most creative person in the world. In fact I’m someone who likes being dogged and get to the end result. I believe thoroughly in the power of perseverance. It will be a very interesting discussion to try and connect the two contrasting ends esp where creativity is considered an expression when mind is free

Surveys for your Startup product development

This discussion takes you through capturing customer feedback, key market intel and constant customer engagement for your product development. There are of course lots of software available to capture this intel and provide key metrics which can be used for various reasons. As a startup, my key rationale was – proving market demand, understanding customer needs and most importantly key insights into what can improve the product.

Principles for Building mindful startups as a Founder

A mindful human being is the one who is always aware of his/her thoughts, actions, and their implications on self and rest of the world.  The same applies to a mindful start-up as well! Always keeping the triple bottom line goal in mind, all day-to-day actions need to be aligned in order to better serve the stakeholders and the community as a whole.