4 Key Traits for what makes a good entrepreneur?

Presentation slide titled 'What Makes a Good Entrepreneur?' detailing key categories like Psychological Traits, Interpersonal Skills, Skillset and Knowledge, and Decision-Making, along with specific traits and their descriptions

What makes a good entrepreneur?: It is the ability to survive, create and grow a business. The startup world is very harsh. The most important thing in a business is to be able to survive. We know that most startups fail within the first three years. So the first sign of a potential success for a startup is when it hits the 3-year mark and you’re able to continue creating opportunities.

Eye Contact: Please, Can I Wear My Sunglasses?

Eye Contact: On a sweltering hot day, with the sun at its peak, I was out with 2 of my guests from a different country, walking around the city. Imagine, If an Indian describes weather to be very hot, what would a person from the west describe it as? It was far easy for me … Read more