Success or failure is caused by Mental Attitude than capacity

success or failure quote, success and mental attitude quote, success and capacity quote, success and failure quote,

Success Or Failure is caused by Mental Attitude: Our mental attitude plays a significant role in determining our success or failure in life. Although our circumstances and opportunities play a huge role – the attitude leaves its own mark. We can find opportunities in our challenges or vice versa. It is never easy, but I think our lives are filled with challenges. The best thing we can all do is to find the most effective route to achieve our goals in life.

Don’t Educate Your Children To Be Rich

Don't Educate Your Children To Be Rich meaning, quotes and their meaning, daily inspirational quotes, motivational quotes for life, money quotes

Don’t Educate Your Children To Be Rich: A rather timely quote about richness, money Vs happiness in our life. I like the exploration of the meaning of happiness in this quote and the association of money with happiness. As we debate whether money means happiness and why it is so difficult to separate the two, … Read more