5 Must consider areas for user experience in startup

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User Experience: Whether it is a B2B or B2C product, the software cannot escape good UX. People ignore products that ignore users. As an entrepreneur, it is hard to have funds to afford good design. This is where you’d need to decide whether to go for a Minimum Viable product or Minimum Lovable product approach. Generally, the lovable product approach suits the crowded market space. Assuming an entrepreneurial route, I’m inclined to think of the MVP approach.

Customer Service: Why be nice to your customers?

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“Be nicer to your customers than your competitors.” -Richard Reed, Co-Founder of Innocent Drinks Today’s favorite is a quote from Richard Reed about customer service. ‘Be nicer to your customers’  I do agree this sounds like a cliche. However, most of the cliches are out there for a reason. They do deliver an ounce of … Read more