Some people come in life as blessings – Mother Teresa

Some people come in our life as blessings. Some come in your life as lessons - Mother Teresa

Some people come in life as blessings: I would take blessings any day compared to lessons. Learning lessons is hard work – it gives us unfavourable results – in other words it is no fun at all. The worst part is sometimes it is hard to identify who’s coming as what. The same people that … Read more

It is in times of crisis that good leaders emerge!

It is in times of crisis that good leaders emerge, Rudolph Giuliani quote, quote of the day, times of crisis quote, leaders emerge quote, internal leader, leader within you, leadership quote, leader inspiration, leadership motivation

Times of crisis: Recession, Covid, downturn – all easily indicate the times of crisis business has seen over the past few years. However, the leadership required during these stages don’t change. It just demands a different type of skillset dig deep into the core values and lead the team. Lots of companies have taken the route of shedding employees to save costs. However, it raises a question about the sustainability of such an approach. A fast-hire/fire culture may not always be the best course of action.

A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry!

A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry - Desmond Tutu

A time of crisis: We all have this situation – the crisis quote focuses on what we make out of it, how to make the best of the situation we are presented with.

Be happy in the moment that’s enough – Mother Teresa

Be happy in the moment, that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more - Mother Teresa

Be happy in the moment that’s enough: Another beautiful quote by Mother Teresa about living in the moment. Perhaps this is most relevant for a fast-paced world with multiple distractions. I can start this with the dopamine addiction social media has created or the attention deficiency due to short videos. I don’t know what exactly … Read more

The greatest sin is to think yourself weak – Swami Vivekananda

The greatest sin is to think yourself weak

The greatest sin is to think yourself weak: Whether we think we can or not – we are right. I suppose we can extend the same message to strength as well. Our strength is deeply connected to our belief and faith – if we manifest weakness, it permeates. The funny thing is – it is … Read more

You Can Never Cross The Ocean Unless You Have the Courage To Lose Sight Of The Shore

You Can Never Cross The Ocean Unless You Have the Courage To Lose Sight Of The Shore - Christopher Columbus

You can never cross the ocean: This is a beautiful quote that represents our attitude to fear and risks in life. The ocean represents our comfort zone, areas which we are aware of. Beyond this comfort zone is a new world that demands exploration – even to know what all we are capable of. We … Read more

25 Inspirational quotes on perseverance

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it, what does success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it mean, success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it report writing, success quotes, thoreau success quote, success comes to those who work for it, success comes to those who quotes

It is hard to keep going when things are tough. This article is a collection of quotes on perseverance to help us power through these tough times. Romantically, I’m expected to say that we should never quit but keep going. But that’s your personal choice to make right? If it is important enough to us, we will always find ways to keep moving forward. But these times need some motivation and powerful words to help us focus. For that, here’s the collection of perseverance quotes to help our determination.

Fairy Tales are more than true, Dragons can be beaten

Fairy tales are more than true, dragons can be beaten, limiting beliefs, fear of problems, facing problems

Fairy Tales are more than true not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten