Aaah that person is so stupid!

I was enjoying a lovely evening with my friends whom I had met after 2 years. It was fun and a happy conversation. We were having fun making fun of others and never realized that we had crossed our limits. One girl always came up with one or the other negative comments about all the … Read more

Pretty please and thank you!

What does politeness have to do with LIFE?  I have been a huge fan of communication and it often makes me wonder how powerful these words can be and the importance of choosing these words carefully. One of the biggest compliment I have heard was from my team mate who said – “Vinay, I have … Read more

Communication: The sound of your voice

Communication: The sound of your voice I find it as a special attraction to write about communication, its intricacies and how beautifully it can effect a change. Sharing a video of TED TALKS by Julian Treasure. Introduction : Julain Treasure is an expert in the mastery of sound in speaking and listening and how it affects … Read more

Do you talk a lot?

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” -Stephen Covey Oh yes!! I have met people who love to talk and hardly listen!  A couple of days ago I met my once upon a time college crush (Not anymore :) ) we spent some time talking…Wait! … Read more

Introvert To Extrovert – 7 Simple Tricks

There was a time when I used to hate talking to people, strangers, making an eye contact with them, trying to understand and relate to what they were saying and trying to figure out what I should be saying when they were saying that. I wanted to have those conversations, I wanted to have such … Read more

People who use swear words are more trustworthy?? – Communication Skills!

What is communication? If there is something that interests me as much as people and their thoughts, it is perhaps the communication which forms the fibre of who they are and what they portray to be. And with communication, I mean not just the communication we have with others externally but also the one which … Read more

Bragging is not necessarily bad!

I was with my friend helping with his shifting to new house. The landowner seemed to be well educated, well mannered gentleman. He started talking about his daughters, their achievements and much more. Nowhere did it look like boosting about himself but somewhere I felt “Why isn’t my friend talking about his achievements?” He had … Read more