One of the greatest skills of leadership is being unflappable

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Leadership is not an easy task, and it requires a unique set of skills to succeed. One of the most critical skills of leadership is being unflappable. It’s essential to be able to handle criticism and stay focused on the task at hand. In this article, we will explore why being unflappable is crucial for leadership and how to develop this skill.
In particular, if there are situations where the impact to customers has been wide and response harsh, it does bring out a different task from the leadership positions.

Leadership often tends to be about communication. Although it is often thought of as communication to others/teams, etc, a large part of it is about listening. More importantly it is about being a positive listener. It is painful to see example of leaders rebuffing positive criticism. This naturally leads a very bad example for problem solving approach

Don’t Keep Calm, Earth is Being Destroyed by Psychopaths!

Don’t you keep calm now! This is one of the reasons why I like facebook so much. Of late, I think the number of quotes we are exposed to are becoming more on the internet and more so, they are becoming funnier and sensible! All along, we are taught to be calm, tolerant and unreactive … Read more