Business Model Canvas for an Entrepreneur

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In this article, we will talk about the meaning and definition of a business model canvas. We will also talk about its need for an entreprenuer, tools to build a lean model canvas and main parts of it. While explaining these, we will discuss about why this is important for your startup idea. The main questions we will answer in this article are:

How to write a startup business plan, it’s components?

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The first step to any startup is to start with an idea. Once you have an idea, the immediate strategy is to think about its reach and potential. This is one of the biggest differences between a small business approach vs startup. In a small business approach, you can immediate start with the problem/solution without having to think too much about scalability and expansion. These occur organically.

What is One Purpose of Writing a Business Plan Before Entering the Market?

When embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship, one of the crucial steps before entering the market is to create a well-thought-out business plan. A business plan serves multiple purposes, providing a roadmap for success while demonstrating your preparedness and adaptability to potential investors. Here, we will explore the primary purpose of writing a business plan … Read more

6 Must-Have areas in business plan for startup

Business plan for startup: No matter what stage your business is in, the business plan is one of the most important assets. Looking back at my startup fundraising days – I can recall the number of times investors asked us multiple questions on it. Considering that it is the best asset you have as an entrepreneur, … Read more

4 Startup Mistakes: Execution is more important than planning

Execution is more important than planning

Execution is more important than planning: It is often said – Great ideas rule the world. I couldn’t agree more! Each of these ideas has transformed the world into an exciting place today. And most times ideas are as simple as using houses to stay instead of hotels (Airbnb) or making taxi bookings easier such as … Read more