4 Key Traits for what makes a good entrepreneur?

Presentation slide titled 'What Makes a Good Entrepreneur?' detailing key categories like Psychological Traits, Interpersonal Skills, Skillset and Knowledge, and Decision-Making, along with specific traits and their descriptions

What makes a good entrepreneur?: It is the ability to survive, create and grow a business. The startup world is very harsh. The most important thing in a business is to be able to survive. We know that most startups fail within the first three years. So the first sign of a potential success for a startup is when it hits the 3-year mark and you’re able to continue creating opportunities.

Who Gets the Credit? A Simple Question for Leadership

who gets the credit, leadership by trust, blame vs credit in leadership, its amazing what you can achieve when you don't care who gets the credit

Ah! It feels good to be coming back to the basic leadership questions. It’s amazing to read through the journey of leadership philosophies and understand its evolution.   One thing I am sure of in a leadership position is that it is not a perfect science. These principles are certainly great as guiding beacons. But … Read more