Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy

be yourself, original is worth more than a copy, be original, being original quote, suzy kassem quote, originality quotes, quote of the day, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, meaning of being yourself

In this article, we discuss the meaning of these inspirational words by Suzy Kassem. While discussing the meaning, we also explore the core values of bringing out your originality and fighting for them. The context in this article is about happiness in being yourself while the entire world around you is trying to make you into something or someone else.

I’d rather be someone’s whiskey than everyone’s tea

Id rather be someones shot of whiskey than everyones cup of tea

I’d rather be somebody’s shot of whiskey than everyone’s cup of tea Found a rather quirky quote on one of my random walks today. I’ve resigned myself to the thought that the pubs in London seem to have some of the most inspiring quotes of late. Being yourself In a lot of our earlier posts … Read more