Some people come in life as blessings – Mother Teresa

Some people come in life as blessings: I would take blessings any day compared to lessons. Learning lessons is hard work – it gives us unfavourable results – in other words it is no fun at all. The worst part is sometimes it is hard to identify who’s coming as what. The same people that I’ve thought of as blessings have turned out to be hard lessons in the future. As hard as it is, we tend to blame our past self in the future. Somehow, this awakens a critical self in us which feels the hurt and says – I told you so or You were too naive to fall for that. For this message within us, my only answer is – I’m not the same person as I was back then. Life moves on and so should we. We can’t keep living in the past, especially when we have to respond to life now. Hence today’s motivation is this brilliant quote from Mother Teresa about people.

Some people come in our life as blessings. Some come in your life as lessons

– Mother Teresa

I love this quote because it talks about moving forward in life. Whether it is blessings or lessons, they both have a purpose. Our life keeps moving – what we do with our experiences is left to us. We can use both these to grow and take ownership of our life and its future.

Some people come in life as blessings

And this is the most fun part of life. Life is wondrous because of some people who act as this source of love, inspiration and guidance in our life. I’m very thankful to have found some amazing ones like that. These people define our life and also have an impact on our character. Make sure that you do your best to hold on to these people in life. They can bring out the best in you.

Some people come in our life as blessings. Some come in your life as lessons - Mother Teresa
Some people come in our life as blessings. Some come in your life as lessons – Mother Teresa

The blessings however don’t always appear clear – sometimes these blessings challenge us even. They ask us to go beyond our comfort zone but make sure that they are always with us to help along the way. Our blessings need not be people who just nod and say yes to everything. These people are authentic, but the one thing that sets them apart is their true love and loyalty to you. They simply want you to grow because they trust you and think that you deserve the best. Some people come into life as blessings and the best thing we can do about is to be thankful and hold them close to us. Recognise what these people do and tell them how much they mean to us. There’s something remarkable about cherishing these blessings in life.

Some come in your life as lessons

It’s always hard to learn these lessons – particularly about people. There have been moments where I felt swindled by the people that I believed to be blessings only to learn that they didn’t have my best interests in their hearts. Or they were lying. Unfortunately, we are not always good at judging people or recognising their intentions. Even with our best talent, we make a mistake and these mistakes haunt us. Perhaps the central element in this quote is about how to deal with these life lessons.

When we face these people who cause us hurt, we naturally tend to treat them as the enemy and have bitterness towards them. This bitterness however impacts us more than it harms them. It erodes our ability to trust others and also lose something sacred within us. The best way to deal with it is to look for the lessons. These lessons ought to be constructive because you carry them with you. The lessons hurt only while you are learning them. Once you add them to your arsenal, you become better and capable of learning some more. Not only this, but you also grow to enhance the number of blessings to come into your life. This reminds me of another beautiful quote:

The experience comes only after an event – the best thing we can do is be kind to ourselves and learn the lesson to move on quickly. Nothing hurts as bad as staying stuck. So forget all the bitterness you have towards these lessons, they had a purpose and that was to teach you a lesson. Hold on to these lessons and forge your way forward.

Some people come in our life as blessings. Some come in your life as lessons

– Mother Teresa

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