Came across a nice quote today,

I still don’t clearly understand the demarcation between a small job and a big one. Of course while in college, I thought the BIG job was one which paid us the highest. Later on some other thought told me, a big job is one in which I get to work in the field I study in. Someone else said, a big job is one where you get to change some lives!I do subscribe to all these beliefs but I realize I do that partly! I would love the pay, love the social acceptance and also the great opportunity to add value to some lives. But looking at each of them individually, I realize that the big picture is still amiss. If these units make up a part of the definition of a big one, then the definition might just be a clever mix of these small jobs.
I remember a conversation when I was pointed –
“Vinay, when you are starting, you have to do anything and everything. It is not that you demarcate things as to what you would and what you wouldn’t, you would have to do it all cos the purpose with which you do it makes sure that it all adds up in the end”
I didn’t see it back then; I certainly do see a part of it now. End of the day, I don’t know what a small job or a big job is – all I know is that there is a job and I like doing it, so I do it :)
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