Robert Downey Jr: When Iron Man Met Alex.

Robert Downey Jr: When Iron Man Met Alex.

Here is what happened.

Alex, a seven year old kid was born with partially developed right hand.

Albert Manero, executive director of limbitless solutions, had a plan to fix it up for Alex. Albert Manero made a bionic 3D printed arm at no cost for the family. And that is how Alex got a alternative for his partially developed right hand. It’s very kind of Albert Manero, isn’t it?

Albert Manero leads the volunteer group Limbitless Solutions which works on building affordable bionics for the armless, footless. Albert Manero is featured in The Collective Project, empowered by Microsoft’s OneNote. The project celebrates the journey of ideas into action to make the world a better place.

To add more to the kindness, Robert Downey Jr. came into picture. The Iron Man as we know him, surprised the child with a new bionic arm. We have heard how humble Robert Downey is. Surprising the little boy with a special gift was very sweet and respectful.

Here is  Robert Downey’s thought on being a hero: “Do I want to be a hero to my son? No. I would like to be a very real human being. That’s hard enough.” Robert Downey’s act justifies his statement so well. A true hero is much more like a real human being. And here we have 3 heros- Albert Manero, Alex and Robert Downey Jr.

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