Rainesford Alexandra Ted Talks : There is no right answer, there is what you think, how you learn and how you see it.

Rainesford Alexandra

Rainesford Alexandra is a writer, student, and education advocate who promotes education and learning out of textbooks. She is young, wise and has a few things to say which might make you think on the little lessons of life which has sculpted you so well.

On this Ted Talk, Rainesford Alexandra talks about education, the purpose of learning and the different shades of learning. Here are a few excerpts from this powerful talk by Rainesford Alexandra.


There is no right answer, there is what you think, how you learn and how you see it.

This is probably one of the best advises on learning. It all sums up to right. It’s what we learn out of a situation that becomes an education for facing similar kinds of situations. Let’s just consider failure as an example here.

What do we think of failure, what we associate, what we learn from it defines the meaning of failure and the same education about failure sets us a standard approach to future failures of life. You think good of it and consider it as a learning experiences, it serves you right and you do right.

You think bad of it and hate it to an extent that the next time when you come across a similar situation all you can associate is the feeling of dejection.

There isn’t a right definition for anything in this world. It’s what you associate and learn about it becomes your right answer.

We all learn differently, we learn all the time.

Isn’t it wonderful to know that even without our conscience we are learning hundreds of things everyday. It might be the littlest of the littlest things, but it sure counts as a learning.

You never know the beauty of these little things that get together to form big things to make life easier.

We are collections of learning, like experiences, dreams and even our mistakes.

Throughout your life you are painting a canvas with the colours of experiences, joys, dreams, success, failures, mistakes, sorrows, happiness, love and all the other emotions you experienced. It’s the mix of different colors with different shades, you might not like it when it happens fresh but in the end the same colours altogether form a masterpiece.

Just because you can’t count it it doesn’t mean it doesn’t count.

Every experience, even a bad one has something to tell you, try identifying it. I have to admit, analysing and identifying every experience does take time but I can assure you that the same analysis will save a lot of time in your future.

Try thinking of the emotions and experiences that you ignored to pay attention. It was trying to tell you something, something to teach you, something to make you happy about or something to blossom a new emotion in you.

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11 thoughts on “Rainesford Alexandra Ted Talks : There is no right answer, there is what you think, how you learn and how you see it.”

  1. Yeah Vidya , Fayaz has put it aptly… very inspiring and yes she seems too young to be that wise … and I agree that not knowing the answers is the best form of learning .

    • He he thank you Fayaz, I am trying hard to live up to my name…I hope some day I will :) I so agree with your statement about life and learning, every day is a learning experience. Collection of good and bad things in which the clever one chooses the good to help him in one way and bad to help in another :)

    • Thank you maniparna. It feels good to see your message. Yea, it’s been a busy month and I have hardly written for the website and haven’t had a chance to read any of your haiku. I’ll soon make a visit to your site :)


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