Quotes from Robin Sharma

Your “I CAN” is more important than your IQ.

The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.

Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end

Sometimes success isn’t about making the right decision, it’s more about making some decision.

Would you rather live your life according to the approval of others or aligned with your truth and your dreams?

All great thinkers are initially ridiculed – and eventually revered.

I once read that people who study others are wise but those who study themselves are enlightened.

Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher that it is.

Worry drains the mind of its power and, sooner or later, it injures the soul.

Want more credit for all you do and who you are? Be the one who gives credit to others.

It’s not what you will get out of the books that is so enriching – it is what the books will get out of you that will ultimately change your life.

There is great power in focusing on what you want. The person who tries to do everything accomplishes nothing. Most people try to be all things to everyone. And so they end up being nothing to anyone. Confucius nailed the point: “Person who chases two rabbits catches neither.

Life’s had to break you down so you could be rebuilt.

Where victims see adversity, extreme achievers see opportunity.

To double your income, triple your investment in self-development.

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