You Have A Lot Of Admirable Qualities But Self Pity Is Not One Of Them

You Have A Lot Of Admirable Qualities,

And here’s today’s quote of the day: For all those Game of Thrones lovers, here’s what Lord Varys tells Tyrion in an earlier episode of season 5.

“You have a lot of admirable qualities Lord Tyrion, Self Pity is not one of them”

If you haven’t started watching the season 5, I would strongly recommend that you do. The entire series without doubt is one of the best television series ever made. The dialogues, screenplay, story, acting – gosh everything is so well integrated that it completely sweeps you away.

And as for today’s quote of the day and the choice of topic – Self Pity!

We have all been there haven’t we, sometimes knowingly and most times unknowingly. And the reasons we have been there can be plenty, sometimes gut-wrenching and sometimes just to gain the sympathy and attention of people around us. And sometimes we are just there cos the situation seems extremely daunting and there seems to be no way out. But nevertheless we have all been there!

We all are pretty proud people and we very well,l know that we can take very good care of ourselves. But somehow it happens without our knowledge doesn’t it? We all slip and the we have all fallen depending on the intensity of the challenges we have faced. If you claim that you have never fallen prey to self pity, then I would say that you have not challenged yourself sufficiently. Cos it is as natural as the fear of failure and sometimes a little more intense and grave too.

So what do we need to do in such a situation. We all need a little attention and a little care. Sometimes we all need that someone who knows what we are going through and appreciate that life has problems. We don’t want someone to magically come and solve our problems. But all we need sometimes is just a listening ear. We talked about the 6 Sensible Quests To Solving Our Problems and how daunting each one of them becomes. But before we get there, we first need to garner our own strength and realize that there is one and only one way to solve our problems and only one person who can help us with that – US.

And deep down, we all seem to know that but we do crave for that attention cos let’s all face it – we all are but human and realizing that each time is quite a brilliant thing indeed. A person can easily profess that self pity is wrong and heck as per the rules even I am supposed to do that. But for us, more than what is right or wrong, what is more important is how you feel about it and what is the best way for you to solve the problems than preaching about them.

If you are feeling pitiful about something, it may sound immoral and it may sound stupid but go through that self pity anyway. We all have that healing process, let it heal but don’t let that dominate you. You are bound to feel tired of feeling sorry for yourself and find a moment where you realize that you are ready to take on the real challenge than its symptoms. Our only and only recommendation is to try and get there as soon as possible cos we all know that TIME is the only precious resource we have and we better make the most of it.

Self pity or not, but make sure that it is not eating into the precious emotions that define you. It is just a phase and treat it just like that. Any more importance you give to it is a sheer waste of time. Like Lord Varys says – of the many admirable qualities, self pity is certainly not one among them and we need to figure a way out of it and we need to figure it soon to get back on the track of our lives.

That was our quote of the day and choice of topic – Self Pity. Stay tuned for more..

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6 thoughts on “You Have A Lot Of Admirable Qualities But Self Pity Is Not One Of Them”

    • Thank you Lance. THe moment I heard this quote, I said to myself, gee this is something I should write about and wollah there was a post. I love how the series is taking shape and where it is headed.. Simply love everything about the show..

  1. Thank you Tara. I am really happy to know that the post was able to resonate with an experience of your life and that too one of childhood which I reckon are the most precious ones :). I guess we have all been there and we have all gotten out of it which makes us the beautiful people we are today.
    Happy that you like the new colors. Based on your suggestion last time, I thought I would move to a lighter tone with a better visual appeal. Looks like bluish green is truly my color :)..
    Yea, the disqus was creating more problems than solutions. A few of my friends were finding it troublesome to comment here and it was also not going along with the font and size of my current theme. So I thought it was about time to get rid of it..
    Hope you like this new change :)

  2. Fish!! I can relate to it so much. I was drenched in this mode in my childhood. But thankfully I have overcome that in a much better way. Thanks Vinay for sharing this awakening quote. Such a powerful message :) And hey I am sorry… have been here alot in the meanwhile and liked the background colour of your site. Also… you removed Disqus? All things good… thumbs up!


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